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Recipes And How To Make The Most Delicious And Delicious Yet Simple And Easy Coconut Pandan Syringe Cake

The popularity of pastries, especially syringes, is well known in almost all circles of society.

His presence at important family moments, such as holidays or maybe birthdays also makes the name of this cake increasingly known. This cake is often served at that moment, cannot be separated from the delicious and delicious taste of this cake, because the combination of crunchy and savory flavors is what makes many people miss the presence of this cake.

Just like other cakes, semprit also has various types of innovative variants that are great to try, and one of them is the delicious coconut pandan syringe cake menu. Want to know how to make and what ingredients are needed to make a coconut pandan syringe cake dish? Please read and understand first the recipe below. good luck making cakes at home, good luck with your cakes!

recipes and how to make the most delicious and delicious yet simple and easy coconut pandan syringe cake

Recipe Name

Recipes and how to make the most delicious and delicious but simple and easy coconut pandan syringe cake
4.8 100

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

2 pans

Ingredients needed to make the most delicious and delicious yet simple and easy coconut pandan syringe cake

The main ingredient

  • 2 tablespoons of instant thick coconut milk
  • 250 grams of low protein flour
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 10 grams full cream milk powder
  • 1 egg, take the yolk
  • teaspoon baking powder
  • teaspoon pandan paste
  • 125 grams margarine
  • 80 grams of powdered sugar

Materials for Decoration

  • 50 grams of desiccated coconut
  • 50 grams dark cooking chocolate, melt it first

Simple Steps to Make the Most Delicious and Delicious Coconut Pandan Shrimp Cake but Simple and Easy


  1. Take margarine and powdered sugar then you beat the two ingredients until soft for about 2 minutes.
  2. After it is soft enough, slowly add the egg yolks into the mixture followed by thick coconut milk and pandan paste. Stir until completely smooth.
  3. Add some ingredients such as cornstarch and flour plus baking powder and milk powder. Add the ingredients while sifting, then stir evenly.
  4. Prepare a plastic triangle, give a hole and a syringe at the end. Also prepare a baking sheet that you smear with margarine on top. Put the dough into the plastic, then start to shape the dough by spraying it on the baking sheet until it is completely used up.
  5. Put the dough in the pan that you have in the oven and bake at 140 degrees until cooked.
  6. After the dirarsa is cooked enough then you remove it from the oven.
  7. Let it cool for a while then proceed to spread the melted cooking chocolate topping on top.
  8. After that, also sprinkle the roasted coconut on top until it is completely evenly distributed.

That's the recipe and how to make a delicious and delicious coconut pandan syringe cake. This syringe cake dish has a very distinctive pandan taste combined with a sprinkling of toasted coconut on the top as a sprinkling that is so tempting.

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