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The Most Delicious And Delicious And Special Recipe For Serving Pokcoy Stir-fried Shrimp

Vegetables are one of the important food ingredients and often appear in the daily menu.

Vegetables themselves have an important role in the contribution of nutrients to the body. You can get a variety of health benefits with a balanced consumption of vegetables. Of the many types of vegetables that exist, maybe you can try to process a vegetable called mustard spoon or known as pokcoy into a special and delicious dish.

For those of you who want to try making a dish made from vegetables, especially pokcoy, here we provide a delicious and delicious menu with the basic ingredients of pokcoy combined with shrimp called pokcoy stir-fried shrimp. The delicious taste of this dish is unquestionable, because the interesting combination of pokcoy with shrimp guarantees a delicious taste that you can't miss.

the most delicious and delicious and special recipe for serving pokcoy stir-fried shrimp

Recipe Name

A Practical Recipe for the Most Delicious and Delicious and Special Sauteed Shrimp Pokcoy Serving
4.7 120

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

3 people

The ingredients are also the most delicious and delicious Pokcoy Sauteed Shrimp Recipe Recipes

Ingredients and Seasoning

  • 250 grams of fresh baby pokcoy, then clean it first
  • 100 grams of shrimp, peel the skin, then cut the back and leave the tail
  • 10 quail eggs, boiled first then fried with the skin on
  • onion, cut lengthwise
  • 1 imported carrot, cut into slices
  • 1 tablespoon of sago flour solution
  • 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • Right amount of oil
  • teaspoon pepper powder
  • teaspoon sugar
  • teaspoon salt
  • 100 ml water

How to make a delicious dish of Pokcoy Sauteed Shrimp that you can try to enjoy and serve for your family

Making Steps

  1. Peel the eggs that you prepared earlier.
  2. Prepare a frying pan first, then you heat the oil on it using medium heat.
  3. Start sautéing the onions and garlic in your skillet when the oil starts to heat up. Saute all the ingredients until it smells fragrant.
  4. After the aroma of the stir-fry is smelled, continue by adding the carrots and shrimp until the two ingredients change color.
  5. Add pokcoy to your cooking then stir evenly with these ingredients until it looks a little wilted.
  6. After that, you enter some food flavoring ingredients, including salt. sugar and pepper into the cooking pan.
  7. Pour a little water into your cooking pan slowly while stirring and let it boil.
  8. Thicken your dish with the sago solution you have then add the peeled eggs.
  9. Turn off the heat once the gravy has exploded and your dish is perfectly cooked.
  10. Prepare a serving bowl, then you lift and pour the dish into the serving bowl and give it a garnish.
  11. Serve while still warm with rice to make it more delicious.

Also Read Various Seasonings and How to Make Pokcoy Sauteed Meat which is very tasty and delicious

How? It's ready to make a delicious and delicious dish called Pokcoy Stir-Fried Shrimp, this is the most powerful one. This very delicious menu can be the right variation for those of you who like vegetables as well as seafood in the form of shrimp.

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