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Soft And Delicious Anti-fail Mesh Bread Recipe

Soft and Delicious Anti-Fail Mesh Bread Recipe – Let's make nettle bread at home. We present a variety of jalapeno bread recipes with the addition of a variety of delicious and special sauces. Check out the recipe below.

Recipe and How to Make a Special Curry Meat Bread

Breakfast _
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword various bread recipes, Bread, Roti jala
Preparation Time 15 minutes
Cooking Time 1 hour 30 minutes
5 servings _
Calories 119 kcal


Mesh Bread Ingredients

  • 350 grams of wheat flour
  • 2 eggs _
  • 500 ml thin coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Margarine to taste

Ingredients for Meat Curry

  • 500 grams of goat meat
  • 200 grams of potatoes
  • 500 ml thick coconut milk
  • 500 ml thin coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon curry powder
  • 5 sprigs of curry leaves
  • 2 lemongrass stalks
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 pieces of flower
  • 2 cardamoms _
  • 4 cloves _
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • enough cooking oil

Softened seasoning

  • 10 pieces of curly red chili
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 6 red onions
  • 3 hazelnuts _
  • 1 piece of ginger
  • 2 pieces of burnt turmeric


How to Prepare the Materials Needed

  1. First of all, please take the goat meat that you have provided. Then cut into sizes according to taste.

  2. After that, crush the lemongrass.

  3. Then grind the ground spices as described above.

How to Make Mesh Bread

  1. Please prepare a container. Then enter the bread ingredients into it except margarine.

  2. Then mix all the ingredients and beat evenly using a whisk or whisk until evenly distributed and the dough does not have lumps. If it's like that, please strain the dough.

  3. Take a non-stick flat pan. Then spread with a thin layer of margarine. Heat.

  4. Pour the dough as much as 1 spoonful of vegetables into the mesh bread mold. Then pour the mixture into the hot pan to form a circular net pattern.

  5. When the top looks dry, you can fold the dough into an envelope. If so, please pick it up.

  6. Do the same steps until all the dough is used up.

How to Make Meat Curry

  1. Once the jalapeno is done, you can now make the beef curry. First, prepare a frying pan and pour enough cooking oil to sauté the spices.

  2. Then enter the spices that have been mashed together with the spices until they emit a fragrant aroma.

  3. The next step please enter the meat. Stir until evenly mixed until the color of the meat changes.

  4. Next pour the thin coconut milk and cook the meat until half cooked.

  5. Keep stirring while cooking it so the coconut milk doesn't break.

  6. Potatoes that have been cut into pieces please include. Stir evenly.

  7. Then add thick coconut milk along with sugar and salt. Stir well and cook until the meat is tender. You can correct the taste.

  8. If it feels right, please lift it.

  9. Finally, serve it with the jalapeno bread that you have made.

See also : How to Make Roti Canai

Tips for Making Meat Curry Jala Bread

  • You can add turmeric powder to the roti jala dough if you like. So the color is more tempting.
  • For the meat can be replaced with beef or chicken according to taste.
  • If you want a lot of curry sauce, add the amount of thin coconut milk according to taste.

The meat curry jala bun is ready to be made. The delicious taste will definitely make you addicted.

Recipes and how to make Durian Jala Bread

soft and delicious anti-fail mesh bread recipe

Meal Bread Ingredients Needed

  • 160 grams of all-purpose flour
  • 1 egg
  • teaspoon salt
  • 20 grams of butter
  • Green food coloring to taste
  • 180 ml thin coconut milk
  • Sufficient amount of yellow food coloring

Durian Soup Ingredients

  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 100 grams of durian flesh
  • 75 grams of brown sugar
  • 400 ml medium coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 3 pandan leaves

How to Make Mesh Bread

  1. First, please prepare the container that will be used to make the dough. Then put all the ingredients for the jalapeo into it. Stir using a mixer until the dough is even and smooth.
  2. Then the dough is divided into 2 parts. For each dough, please add the food coloring that you have provided, namely yellow and green.
  3. For each dough please put in a cake spray bag.
  4. Next take a non-stick frying pan. Then heat it up. For the cake dough bag, please cut off a little at the end. In a frying pan, spray the dough to form a net. If it is dry and ripe, please remove it.
  5. Do the same steps until all the dough is used up.

Read also the Recipe for Processed Cassava today that is delicious and simple

How to Make Durian Sauce

  1. When the roti jala has been made, the next step is to make durian sauce. Prepare a saucepan and add the kinca sauce ingredients. Cook all these ingredients until the sugar dissolves.
  2. Then add durian. Stir again until smooth.
  3. Maizena please dissolved with a little water. Then enter this cornstarch solution into the kinca sauce. Stir well and cook until the gravy becomes thick. If it's like that, please remove and cool for a while.
  4. The last step, please serve the jalapeno with the kinca sauce that you have made.

Tips for Making Kinca Kuah Jala Bread

  1. If you want to get a net bread with a soft texture, you should not spray the dough too thick or too big on the pan.
  2. When cooking roti jala you should use low heat so it doesn't burn easily and the dough doesn't harden.
  3. So that the durian gravy has a thick and slippery texture, when the sauce thickens you can strain it while pressing it so that the sauce is thick and soft.

You can enjoy delicious durian sauce with jalapeno bread. The soft bread combined with the tempting durian sauce will make anyone who tries it addicted. To be able to enjoy it you don't need to buy it, because you can make it yourself with the recipe above.

Also read: Pindang Bandeng Recipe

Recipe and how to make Pandan Bread with Kinca Sauce

soft and delicious anti-fail mesh bread recipe

Main Ingredients for Jala Bread

  • 150 grams of wheat flour
  • 15 ml cooking oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon pandan paste
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 260 ml medium thick coconut milk

Kinca Sauce Ingredients

  • Salt to taste
  • 1 pandan leaf
  • 300 ml coconut milk
  • 100 grams of brown sugar
  • 1/2 tablespoon cornstarch

Read also Maryam Bread Recipe

Supplementary material

Jackfruit ripe enough

How to Make Mesh Bread

  1. First, please prepare a container and put all the roti jala ingredients into it. Stir evenly.
  2. Then put the dough that has been made into a container that has a small funnel lid, or you can use a plastic triangle and cut the ends a little.
  3. Next, heat a flat Teflon that has been coated with margarine. Spray the dough into the Teflon to form a mesh. Cook for real. Then lift and fold like an envelope.

How to Make Kinca Sauce

  1. Prepare a small saucepan and put all the kinca ingredients into it. Cook and stir until it boils.
  2. Add cornstarch that has been dissolved with 1 tablespoon of water. Stir well and cook until bubbling.
  3. Finally, you can serve the roti jala with kinca sauce and additional pieces of jackfruit.

The sweet taste of the kinca sauce combined with the softness of the jalapeno bread is very appetizing. Added jackfruit complementary ingredients, this dish will be more delicious and fragrant.

Those are various recipes for jalapeno bread that you can easily follow at home. Good luck.

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