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Tips Or How To Get Rid Of The Fishy Smell On Tableware

Fish and meat is a menu that is liked by many people, so it is not surprising that many housewives always serve this menu to make their families happy.

Although many people like it, in the end many people also feel lazy when this food menu runs out and leaves leftovers or seasonings on plates and other cutlery. In addition to the rest of the menu is very dirty and leaves oil, not infrequently will also make cutlery smell fishy.

When we wash it with soap, maybe the cutlery will come back clear or shiny. However, for the fishy smell that sticks to the tableware, it will be quite difficult to remove.

Now you don't have to worry anymore because there are several ways you can do so that the fishy smell on the cutlery can be removed. So what's the way? To find out, you can see the discussion below.

tips or how to get rid of the fishy smell on tableware


Lime is the first ingredient that we can use to get rid of the fishy smell that sticks to tableware or kitchenware. How to use it is very simple, where you have to prepare just enough lime, then squeeze the water. Sprinkle the lime juice on the cutlery that smells fishy. Then, wait for about 5-10 minutes, then you can immediately wash the equipment using soap as usual. Make sure you clean the kitchen utensils until the fishy smell is completely gone.

Charcoal or Ash

The next tip that you can apply to get rid of the fishy smell on cutlery is to use charcoal or ash. This method is a traditional method that has been used since ancient times. Although this method is not widely used in modern times as it is today, make no mistake, this charcoal and ash powder is one of the most effective and effective ingredients for removing fishy odors. How to use it is also quite easy, where you only need to prepare charcoal powder or ash to taste. Then sprinkle the ash or charcoal porridge on the cutlery that you feel smells good. Next, rub the cutlery evenly. After that, rinse the cutlery using clean water. If so, you can immediately wash the cutlery using soap as usual, then rinse as usual again. In this way your cutlery will be more shiny and the fishy smell will disappear.

Also Read Tips or How To Process Goat Meat So It Doesn't Smell

Basil leave

The next way you can do is to use the ingredients that we usually use for cooking. Prepare just enough basil leaves, then knead the basil leaves, put them in the clean water that you previously prepared. Then, clean the cutlery, then wash as usual with soap. If you have, you can rinse it using clean water, don't forget to also clean it using basil water. If the fishy smell on the cutlery hasn't gone away, then you can soak the cutlery in basil water for about 10-25 minutes. Next, rinse the cutlery using clean water.

Well, that's how to clean or deal with fishy-smelling cutlery. After cleaning it, you can immediately dry all the cutlery so that it smells fresher. Easy isn't it? Hopefully these tips are useful and can help you. Good luck.

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