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Strict And Practical Tips For Removing Jackfruit Sap On Knives

Who is not familiar with jackfruit? Yes, jackfruit is one of the most popular fruits in Indonesia.

Jackfruit has a taste that is so delicious and delicious. Everyone who eats it will feel addicted. Even the distinctive aroma will make many people tempted.

Besides being able to be consumed directly in a ripe state, jackfruit can also be processed into certain preparations, such as being made into chips or a mixture of compote. In fact, not only when ripe, young jackfruit is usually in great demand, because this young jackfruit can be processed into a variety of dishes for the menu. There are so many food menus that can be processed from jackfruit, such as processed by vegetables, made warm, stir-fried with various kinds of creations and so on.

But even so, many people feel lazy when splitting or opening jackfruit. Why is that? As we know, this large fruit with jagged green skin contains sap which if it hits the hand or knife it will become very sticky, dirty and even difficult to clean.

Some people will certainly take steps to prevent the sap from sticking to the knife, where the usual way is to coat the knife with plastic. However, for now you don't have to do anything like that because there are other ways we can do to clean or remove the jackfruit sap on the knife. This method is quite effective, practical and fast. So what is the way to do it? To find out, you can see the discussion below.

strict and practical tips for removing jackfruit sap on knives

Strict and Practical Tips for Removing Jackfruit Sap on Knives

  1. The first step you have to do is take a knife that is dirty because of jackfruit sap. Then turn on the stove.
  2. Place the knife on the stove fire for a few seconds. After that wipe the knife using a thick tissue or cloth. That way the jackfruit sap will be clean and disappear quickly.

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The thing you have to remember is, when it is still hot you have to wipe it immediately, because if the knife is cold, the jackfruit sap attached to the knife will be difficult to remove or clean.

When cleaning jackfruit sap on a hot knife, you have to be more careful. You have to make sure that the tool or tissue used for wiping is thick. Do not let your hands touch the hot knife, because it will injure your hands and leave burns.

Now, to remove or clean the jackfruit sap on your hands, you only need to take enough cooking oil. Then apply the cooking oil on your hands, then rub gently and slowly. After that, you can immediately wash your hands with soap and water until they are completely clean. That way, your hands will be clean from this sticky jackfruit sap.

Those are tips for cleaning or removing jackfruit sap on hands. With the tips or methods above, now you don't need to be afraid when splitting the jackfruit, and it is guaranteed that your knife will come back clean as before. Easy and practical right? Hopefully useful and good luck.

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