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Tips For Choosing And Storing Carrots To Keep Them Fresh And Healthy

It is undeniable, carrots are vegetables that have a lot of content that is beneficial for the health of the body.

We can process this orange vegetable into a delicious and delicious menu. Carrots are usually synonymous with soup. However, carrots can also be processed by sauteing or being an additional ingredient in other dishes.

As a supply, usually many housewives buy carrots in large quantities. However, most of them also complained that the carrots they bought were rotten and not fresh anymore. This is usually caused by improper storage methods. For this reason, so that the carrots you buy stay fresh, you must choose and store carrots with the tips below.

tips for choosing and storing carrots to keep them fresh and healthy

Tips for Choosing and Storing Carrots to Keep them Fresh and Healthy

  1. When you choose or buy carrots, then you must choose carrots with a smooth skin texture and light color. Make sure the skin texture and color of the carrots are even. Don't buy carrots that are sprouted, discolored or cracked.
  2. In addition, you also have to pay attention to the base of the carrot stem that you will choose. You should choose carrots with the base of the stem and color intact or still not discolored. If the base of the carrot stem has changed color or becomes greenish, then that is a sign that the carrots are no longer fresh or aging. You should also choose carrots with stem circumferences that are not too large, because carrots with large stem circumferences are a sign that they are old.
  3. Also choose carrots that are still hard and solid. If the carrots are soft or can be bent, then the sign is that the carrots are no longer fresh.
  4. If you choose carrots that still have leaves, then you are recommended to choose carrots with leaves that are still fresh, green and the leaves are not wilted. Because if the carrot leaves are wilted, then that's a sign that the carrots are no longer fresh.
  5. After you buy and get quality carrots, of course you will store them in the refrigerator right? Before storing it in the refrigerator, you don't need to wash it first. It would be better if the carrots were washed when processed.
  6. If you buy carrots that still have leaves. So you can cut the leaves first before storing or putting them in the refrigerator. Because if it is stored with the leaves still intact, then the leaves will suck the moisture in the carrots, so that they will easily wilt and dry out.
  7. Before putting it in the refrigerator, store it in a container filled with water. Then store the container in the refrigerator. If the water has become cloudy, then you can replace it. The replacement time can be adjusted.
  8. If you store peeled carrots in the fridge or freezer, the outside of the carrots will usually turn white. So that the white layer disappears, you can soak it in cold water.

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If the carrots you process are fresh, then you will get a more delicious and healthy dish. Well, so that the carrots that are used as stock do not rot easily, you can choose and store them with the tips above.

Those are tips for storing carrots to keep them healthy and fresh. May be useful.

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