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Recipes And How To Make Delicious And Delicious Chicken Tongseng Without Coconut Milk

The delicious dishes of chicken that are present in the country are indeed so diverse.

However, it never gets tired of our tongues wanting to explore the culinary variety of the archipelago and experimenting with various new dishes that are delicious and seasoned.

Well, one of the delicious dishes made from chicken that is so rich in spices and guaranteed to make the appetite more aroused and more appetizing is the dish that we will present this time. You may already be familiar with the tongseng dish, this dish you may often eat on the roadside or at your favorite restaurant. So what are the basic ingredients commonly used in tongseng dishes that are made?

Usually mutton or beef right? That's normal. What if the tongseng dish that we made this time was made with the basic ingredients of chicken meat and mixed with such rich spices and seasonings that, of course, your tongue will be spoiled with such delicious appetizing dishes.

It is the chicken tongseng without coconut milk which we will present the recipe for this time. This recipe is suitable for those of you who have problems with consuming coconut milk. And of course this dish you will be able to make yourself at home easily and simply. So what is the recipe and how to make a chicken tongseng dish without coconut milk? We look at the following.

Also read: Goat Tongseng Recipe

recipes and how to make delicious and delicious chicken tongseng without coconut milk

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Delicious and Delicious Chicken Tongseng Without Coconut Milk
4.9 76


Cooking Time

Preparation: 15 minutes

Cooking: 25 minutes

Total: 35 minutes

Ingredients needed to make delicious and delicious chicken tongseng without coconut milk

Ingredients and Seasonings for Chicken Tongseng Without Coconut Milk:

  • 4 pieces of chicken breast,
  • Enough boiled water
  • Sliced ​​cabbage
  • 4 cloves of red onion (thinly sliced)
  • 1 tomato
  • Red chili (cut lengthwise)
  • 5 cm segment of galangal (geprek)
  • 1 tbsp sweet soy sauce
  • 2 cloves garlic (thinly sliced)
  • salt and sugar to taste
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 tsp chicken stock
  • Oil for frying

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Pureed Chicken Tongseng Seasoning Without Coconut Milk:

  • 1 tsp coriander
  • 1 tsp pepper powder
  • 1/2 segment of turmeric
  • 5 cm ginger
  • 3 cloves of red onion
  • 1 stalk lemongrass (take the white part)
  • 1 clove of garlic

How to Make Delicious and Delicious Chicken Tongseng Without Coconut Milk

How to Cook Chicken Tongseng Without Coconut Milk:

  1. The first step you can do first for this recipe is to pour oil on the face, then let stand until the oil becomes hot and add the ground spices, along with sliced ​​​​shallots, garlic and stir-fry until the aroma smells good.
  2. After the seasoning stir in the pan becomes more fragrant, then add it to the stir-fried chicken that has been cut and stir so that the chicken can be mixed together with the spices. Leave it until the color of the chicken changes slightly.
  3. Enter the water into the stir fry along with the chili, galangal, tomatoes and bay leaves that you previously prepared.
  4. Now add spices such as sugar, salt and soy sauce and stir until the spices seep into the meat and the taste becomes more delicious.

How to Serve Chicken Tongseng Without Coconut Milk:

  1. After entering the last ingredients and seasonings, don't remove them first, let them soak in and cook. Only after that lift and turn off the stove.
  2. Take a serving plate and pour the tongseng into it.

Give a sprinkling of fried onions and serve while warm will taste more delicious and delicious.

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