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Delicious, Delicious And Special Madura Chicken Satay Recipe

Madura Chicken Sate Recipe – Sate is one of the most popular processed meats. Not only made from beef or goat meat, but satay can also be made from chicken meat. Well, some regions have their own special satay dish. For example, Tegal satay, Padang satay, Maranggi satay, Blora satay, Ponorogo satay to Madura satay.

Well, one of Madura's most popular satays is chicken satay. Compared to other satays, Madura satay has smaller pieces of meat. And the peanut sauce is thicker and softer. In addition, sweet soy sauce that is doused on top of the peanut sauce is intentionally added to make the satay dish more delicious. Not only that, there are other complementary ingredients that are usually added such as rice cake and a sprinkling of red onions on top. Well, if you want to try to make it, let's look at the Madura chicken satay recipe below.

See also: Recipe for Making Chicken Unkep

Delicious, Delicious and Special Madura Chicken Satay Recipe

Main Course
Indonesian cuisine
Satay recipe keywords , chicken satay, Madura satay
Preparation Time 30 minutes
Cooking Time 1 hour 35 minutes
Serving 22 skewers
Calories 681 kcal


Ingredients and Seasonings for Satay

  • 4 pieces of chicken thigh fillet
  • 1 tbsp cooking oil
  • 22 skewers _
  • 5 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce

Ingredients for Making Peanut Sauce

  • 200 grams of skin peanuts
  • 4 pecans _
  • 3 tbsp brown sugar
  • 500 ml hot water
  • 3 pieces of curly red chili
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 large red chilies

Ingredients for Supplements

  • 3 limes _
  • 2 tbsp fried red onion
  • 2 tbsp sweet soy sauce
  • 4 pieces of rice cake

Baham Sambal

  • 4 curly red chilies
  • 15 pieces of red chili
  • 1/4 tsp salt


How to Make Peanut Sauce

  1. First of all, the steps you can take are to make peanut sauce first. Please take the peanuts that you have provided. Then heat enough cooking oil to fry the peanuts.

  2. Once hot, please fry the peanuts until cooked. Then you can smooth it. Set aside.

  3. Next, please fry the curly red chili along with the candlenut and big red chili. Fry briefly until wilted. Then you can lift and drain it.

  4. When all the ingredients and spices for the peanut sauce are ready, you can grind the peanuts together with candlenut, curly red chili, large red chili and other seasonings such as salt and brown sugar.

  5. When it is smooth, please pour water and you can cook it until it is cooked and the sauce becomes thick.

  6. If it's like that, please lift and set aside first.

How to Make Madura Chicken Satay

  1. When the peanut sauce has been made, now the steps you can take are making Madura chicken satay.

  2. Take the chicken meat that you have provided and wash it thoroughly under running water. You can separate the flesh from the skin.

  3. If so, please cut into cubes.

  4. Please take 150 grams of peanut sauce along with cooking oil and sweet soy sauce. Mix all these ingredients until smooth.

  5. After that, please put the chicken into it and coat the chicken evenly.

  6. After the chicken is evenly mixed with the spices, you can pierce it with a skewer. Do the same steps until all the chicken is used up.

  7. Then prepare the burner. Then you can burn the chicken satay until cooked.

  8. Next, please coat the satay again using the peanut mixture. You can burn the satay again until it is completely cooked.

  9. After all the satay is cooked, you can serve it in the serving place you have provided.

How to Make Sambal

  1. First of all, please prepare enough water and boil it with red cayenne pepper with curly red chili.

  2. If it is cooked, please puree the ingredients in a blender. Add salt to taste. Stir until evenly distributed.

How to Serve Satay

  1. If the satay has been made, you can immediately serve it. Please prepare a serving plate, then put the pieces of rice cake on it with the satay.

  2. You can serve it along with peanut sauce and chili sauce as well as additional sweet soy sauce, lime juice topped with fried shallots.

Other recipes: Padang Pop Chicken

Recipes and how to make Madura Chicken Satay with Onion Sauce

delicious, delicious and special madura chicken satay recipe

Main Ingredients Needed

  • kg chicken
  • Skewer to taste
  • 1 lime
  • Lontong ketupat enough

Ingredients for Peanut Sauce

  • 3 red onions
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 150 grams of peanuts
  • Sweet soy sauce to taste
  • 2 hazelnuts
  • 150 ml broth
  • Salt to taste
  • Brown sugar to taste
  • Right amount of oil

Ingredients for Garlic Sauce

  • Salt to taste
  • 10 pieces of red chili or according to taste
  • 4 cloves garlic

How to Make Peanut Sauce

  1. Before making satay, the first step you can do is make peanut sauce first. The trick is, please fry the peanuts that you have provided until cooked. Once cooked, please take it out.
  2. After that, please puree together with other ingredients such as garlic, onion, candlenut and salt.
  3. Next, heat the cooking oil. Then you can saute the ingredients that have been mashed until they emit a fragrant aroma.
  4. Next, please add the broth. Stir until smooth and cook until thickened. If so, please pick it up.

Also Read Recipes & How to Make Crispy and Delicious Cheese Geprek Chicken

How to Make Madura Chicken Satay

  1. After the peanut sauce is finished, you can now make Madura satay. The trick is, please mix 2 tablespoons of peanut sauce along with 2 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce. Stir well and set aside.
  2. Next, please wash the chicken meat under running water. Then you can cut it into cubes. If so, pierce using a skewer.
  3. After that, please dip the satay that you have pricked in the peanut sauce and soy sauce mixture. Then burn until half cooked.
  4. Then you can roll again the satay in the spices until the spices are evenly distributed.
  5. If you have, please grill the satay again until it is cooked and you can lift it.

How to Make Garlic Sauce

  1. Please heat the cooking oil. Then add the garlic and fry until half cooked.
  2. Mix the fried garlic with other ingredients such as red chili and salt. Then puree.

How to Prepare Madura Chicken Satay

Please serve Madura chicken satay on a serving plate with additional rice cake, peanut sauce, lime and onion sauce.

Tips for Making Madura Chicken Satay

  • So that the spices really seep into the chicken satay, after you mix the meat with the spices, you can let it sit for a while.
  • In addition, when grilling the chicken, it must be turned over frequently so that it cooks evenly.
  • To make chili sauce, you can adjust the chili according to taste. If you want a more spicy chili dish, you can add chili, and vice versa.

Other articles: Various Kuluyuk Chicken Recipes

The original Madura chicken satay and Madura chicken satay with onion sauce are finished. Well, for those of you who want to try this delicious and delicious dish but don't have time to buy it, now you can make it yourself at home. How to make it easy and the ingredients needed are simple. You can serve this dish as a meal menu or served on special occasions. Good luck and hopefully useful.

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