Recipes And How To Make Grilled Tuna With Sweet And Spicy Spices That Are Delicious, Savory And Special
Serve the delicious and delicious dish of grilled tuna with spicy spices at home for your beloved family.
Savory and special every piece of fish will make your appetite more passionate and lively. Well, to be able to serve this dish at home, you can listen to the special recipe below.
Recipe Name
Cooking Time
Number of Servings
4 Servings
Ingredients needed to make delicious, savory and special spicy grilled tuna with sweet and spicy seasoning
Main Ingredients of Tuna:
- 1 medium tuna
- pinch of salt
- 1 tablespoon lime juice
- Seasoning Spread For Fish:
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
- 2 tablespoons lime juice
- 2 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce
Smoothed Grilled Tuna Seasoning:
- 3 pieces of red chili
- 5 curly red chilies
- 1/2 teaspoon sugar
- 2 Spring onions
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1 teaspoon salt
Grilled Tuna Fish Complementary Ingredients:
- fresh vegetables
- Warm white rice
- Fried onions
- Chili sauce, soy sauce
How to make grilled tuna with sweet and spicy seasoning that is delicious, savory and special
How to Clean Tuna Fish Before Cooking:
- The first way, make sure if you choose fresh medium-sized tuna. This is very important, because the quality of the fish will affect the taste and delicacy of the grilled tuna dish that we will eat.
- After you get fresh fish, then please clean the tuna and remove the innards of the fish along with the gills on the fish's head until clean.
- If you have succeeded in removing the contents of the fish innards and fish gills, please clean the tuna again under running water to ensure that the fish waste can be cleaned evenly.
- Well, finished doing the above, please give a flat on the belly of the fish so that the spices can seep into the fish evenly.
- If it has been cut, continue to coat the fish with lime juice so that the fishy smell can be removed. Meanwhile, also sprinkle salt on the fish so that the fish meat is not bland when eaten later.
- Now, if the fish has been smeared, we set it aside first until the spices seep into the fish for about 15 minutes.
How to make grilled tuna with sweet and spicy seasoning:
- First, we do this by smoothing the cayenne pepper along with curly chili, garlic, salt and shallots until smooth.
- After these ingredients are smooth, add the sweet soy sauce along with the lime juice and vegetable oil evenly.
- Prepare a grill from coals and charcoal, then put the tuna on top and grill the fish until cooked.
- Use the mixture to spread the fish evenly to all parts of the surface of the fish.
- Don't forget to turn the fish that is being burned so that the fish does not burn and cooks evenly when it is burned.
If the fish looks cooked with a dark brown surface on the fish, please remove the fish and serve it on a serving plate. Then serve and eat together with your beloved family.
That's the recipe and how to make a dish of grilled tuna with sweet spicy seasoning that is delicious, delicious and easy. Hopefully this recipe can help mothers serve delicious dishes for the family at home.
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