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Cat's Tongue Cake Recipe

Cat's Tongue Cake Recipe  – At a glance, you can easily distinguish cat's tongue cake from other types of pastries. Yes, cat tongue cake is indeed famous for its flat and elongated shape which at first glance looks like the shape of a cat's tongue.

For its own taste, the cat's tongue cake is sweet with a crunchy and crunchy texture. You can almost always find this cake during Eid celebrations because it is loved by many people, especially children.

The raw materials needed to make cat tongue cake are not too many and the equipment needed is quite simple. In addition, the manufacturing process is also not difficult, so it is a perfect choice for those of you who want to make your own Eid cake at home.

Below, we present a cat tongue cake recipe that you can try very easily at home!

Cat's Tongue Cake Recipe

One of the snacks that must be served on Eid day is cat tongue cake. This dish, which is famous for its oval and thin shape, is indeed one of the most popular Eid cakes. The sweet taste is also very delicious when eaten. Let's take a look at a cat's tongue recipe that you can try very easily at home!

Snack _
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword Various cake recipes, cat tongue cake, cat tongue recipe
Cooking Time 1 hour
Serving 1 medium size jar


  • 100 grams of low protein flour
  • 25 grams of cornstarch
  • 60 grams of margarine
  • 100 grams cold butter
  • 4 egg whites
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 75 grams of sugar
  • 10 grams of powdered milk


  1. Prepare a mixer, then beat the butter, margarine, and powdered sugar using high speed until it looks pale.

  2. Lower the mixer speed to low then add the flour, cornstarch, and powdered milk. Beat until all ingredients are well mixed, set aside.

  3. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and salt using a mixer on high speed until they appear frothy. Add the sugar little by little while continuing to beat until the texture of the dough becomes stiff.

  4. Enter the egg and sugar mixture (meringue) into the flour mixture slowly, stirring frequently using a spatula until evenly distributed.

  5. Prepare a plastic triangle, put the dough into it and then cut the ends with a diameter of about 1 cm

  6. Grease the pan with a little butter and then spray the cake batter onto the baking sheet in an elongated shape about the size of your index finger.

  7. Preheat the oven to 140 degrees Celsius then bake the dough for about 15 minutes.

  8. After 15 minutes, remove the pan from the oven, let it cool, then remove the cake from the pan. Store the cake in an airtight jar to keep it crispy for a long time.

That's how to make cat tongue cake which is certainly very easy for you to try at home. Cat tongue cake is always the right choice for you to serve when Eid arrives. Certainly, all family members will be tempted to enjoy it.

Don't forget to keep the quality of your cat's tongue cake in an airtight jar. Cat's tongue cake will not taste good anymore when it has lost its crunchy texture. Therefore, don't let your cat's tongue cake be stored in an open or not tightly closed container, OK!

Happy making cat tongue cake at home!

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