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Jackfruit Pancake Recipe

Nangka Serabi Recipe  – Of the many traditional cakes in Indonesia, Serabi cake is definitely one of the most popular choices. There is no doubt, the popularity of pancakes is widely known in almost all corners of Indonesia.

Many think that the pancake comes from West Java, which is made from a mixture of rice flour and coconut milk as the main raw material. Although the taste of the serabi itself is actually quite simple with a savory taste and soft texture. To enrich the taste, serabi is usually equipped with other additional raw materials as toppings or even sauces.

In addition to pancakes with a salty taste, you can also find pancakes with a sweet taste. Usually pancakes with a sweet taste are made in a smaller shape and are green in color with a pandan aroma. To add to the delicacy, the sweet serabi can be complemented with brown sugar sauce.

This time, we will make a jackfruit pancake recipe which of course you can use as a pancake flavor variant to serve as a traditional snack at home!

Jackfruit pancake recipe

One of the sweet snacks typical of West Java that is well known is Serabi. This cake with the main ingredients of rice flour and coconut milk is indeed loved by many people because of its simple delicious taste. Pancakes can be found in two flavors, namely sweet and salty. In this recipe, we will make pancakes with the aroma of jackfruit which is certainly very appetizing!

Dessert , Snack
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword Various cake recipes, sweet pancake recipe, jackfruit pancake recipe
Cooking Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Serving 15 pieces


Main ingredients needed:

  • 300 grams of rice flour
  • 600 ml warm coconut milk
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 1 egg beaten off
  • 100 grams of fine cassava tape
  • 3/4 tsp salt
  • 1 teaspoon jackfruit essence
  • 1/2 teaspoon yeast
  • 30 ml of warm water

Ingredients for making brown sugar sauce:

  • 300 ml thick coconut milk
  • 50 grams of brown sugar, comb
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 pandan leaf, tied in a knot


How to make pancakes:

  1. First we make the starter first. Prepare a small bowl, mix instant yeast with warm water. Let stand for about 10 minutes until it looks foamy.

  2. In a separate medium sized bowl, combine the rice flour, salt, and tape. Knead until a smooth dough is formed.

  3. Pour half of the coconut milk slowly while continuing to knead for about 15 minutes until completely evenly distributed.

  4. Add sugar, continue to knead the dough until the sugar is dissolved.

  5. Pour the starter mixture into the mixture, stir until smooth.

  6. Add the remaining coconut milk, beaten eggs, and jackfruit essence and mix with a whisk until all ingredients are well mixed. Let the dough rest for about an hour until it rises.

  7. Prepare a pan or pancake mold and heat it over high heat. Pour the pancake batter as much as one tablespoon of vegetables, after the foam appears, reduce the heat then close the mold and wait until the pancake is cooked. Do this step until all the dough is used up.

How to make brown sugar sauce:

  1. Prepare a small saucepan, mix all the ingredients and stir until evenly distributed over low heat.

  2. Let it cool.

  3. Serve the pancakes with a drizzle of brown sugar sauce on top.

The aroma of jackfruit in the sweet pancake recipe above certainly makes us want to taste it immediately. You can serve jackfruit pancakes for snacks or banquets at certain events.

Congratulations on making jackfruit pancakes at home!

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