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Delicious Matching Sauce Recipe

Spicy, Delicious and Easy Sambal Match Recipe - For those of you who love chili sauce and spicy food, you must try the chili match recipe. Sambal Match is one of the easiest chili dishes to make. Not only as a dip, but chili matches can also be used for chili geprek.

How to make the matchstick sauce itself is very easy. The materials needed are also simple. You just grind the ingredients, then pour the chili sauce with hot oil. Well, we present some chili match recipes, including simple match sauce, lime leaf match sauce, banana match sauce and others.

Delicious Matching Sauce Recipe

Sambal Match is one of the typical Indonesian chili sauces. Some of the ingredients used include cayenne pepper, onion, garlic, salt and sugar. Then mashed and doused with oil that has been heated.

Side Dish
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword chili recipe, chili sauce, chili match
Preparation Time 5 minutes
Cooking Time 10 minutes
Serving 1 portion
Calories 90 kcal


Materials needed

  • 25 grams of red chili
  • 12 grams of red onion
  • 4 grams of garlic
  • 10 ml cooking oil
  • Salt to taste


How to Make Spicy Matcha Sauce

  1. The first step that must be done is to peel the onions that you have provided. Then wash thoroughly with chili. If so, drain it first.

  2. Next, prepare the mortar and pestle. Then put the ingredients on the mortar such as shallots, garlic, cayenne pepper and salt. Knead all the ingredients until smooth and evenly mixed.

  3. Take a frying pan and pour cooking oil in it. Heat the cooking oil.

  4. Then the sauce that you have made, please flush it using hot cooking oil.

  5. Stir the sauce until evenly mixed. Please correct the taste.

  6. If it is right, you can serve it in a special mortar to serve the sambal.

Recipe Notes

Tips for Making Sambal

  • If you have fried fish or chicken before making the sambal, you should use the used oil from frying. Using cooking oil used to fry fish or chicken will make the sambal taste more savory.
  • Make sure the oil used to pour the chili sauce is really hot.

The matchstick sauce is finished. You can enjoy it together with fried chicken or other menus to make your meal more tasteful.

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