Recipes And Methods For Making Walnut Chocolate Cookies, Special Eid Peling, Delicious And Crispy
If you are looking for a great snack dish to serve from a relaxed moment to a big moment, then cookies may be the best answer.
Pastries have many great flavors for you to try and choose so they are sure to be able to complete your relaxing time or brighten up an important event that you are holding or celebrating. The choice of flavors such as cake or chocolate may be the 2 superior flavors that are liked by many people. Therefore, here we provide a recipe for chocolate peanut cookies combined with walnuts.
The combination of solid chocolate and walnut flavors is sure to be the right formula in this cake so that it can become your mainstay menu on various types of occasions.
Recipes and Methods for Making Walnut Chocolate Cookies Special Eid Peling Delicious and Crispy
Cooking Time
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Number of Servings
6 pans
The Ingredients You Need To Make and Process Walnut Chocolate Cookies Special Eid Peling Delicious and Crispy
Necessary materials
- 500 grams of wheat flour, low protein and good quality
- 300 grams coarsely chopped walnuts
- 200 grams of butter, melted
- 150 grams fine granulated sugar
- 100 grams of cocoa powder
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
Making Techniques and Steps You Can Follow To Make Delicious and Crispy Peling Chocolate Cookies Dish
Making Steps
- Take the butter and then you spread it on the top of the cake pan that you want to use to bake the cake. Set aside first.
- Take the butter that you have melted first then mix it together with the sugar in a large enough container.
- Use a mixer to mix the two ingredients together until they are completely smooth.
- Add the flour along with the baking soda and cocoa powder slowly and little by little.
- Add chopped walnuts to the cake batter, then you stir again until completely evenly distributed.
- If the dough that you have made is smooth, please lift it and place it on a flat surface and roll until it becomes flat.
- If the dough is flat, use molds of various shapes to print the dough until it is completely evenly distributed.
- Take a baking sheet that you previously greased with butter and arrange the dough that you have printed on it. Give it some distance.
- When it's finished you can start baking it by putting it in the roasting oven for a few moments.
- If it is cooked you can remove the cake and cool it briefly before arranging it in a serving jar.
So many recipes and how to make walnut chocolate cake cookies that you can follow and try to make at home. You can try this cookie dish to make at home with your loved ones and then serve it as a snack at special moments like Eid.
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