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Recipes And How To Make Soft And Delicious Grape Milk Pudding

How to Make Milk Pudding – Serve delicious and soft milk pudding with wine topping for the family at home. Its refreshing taste will make you addicted. In addition to the addition of wine, you can also add other toppings to make it more special. Let's see the recipe and how to make the following milk pudding.

Also read: Healthy Fruit Juice Recipes

Recipes and How to Make Soft and Delicious Wine Topping Milk Pudding

Dessert _
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword healthy food, Pudding, healthy food recipe
Preparation Time 15 minutes
Cooking Time 1 minute
5 serving
Calories 230 kcal


Main Ingredients Needed

  • 450 ml sweetened thick creamer
  • 1 tsp vanilla powder
  • 2200 ml water
  • 1 packet of unflavored jelly

Ingredients for Topping

  • 150 grams of red wine
  • 2 glasses of nata de coco
  • pineapple _ _
  • 100 ml sunquick orange syrup
  • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds


How to Make Wine Topping Milk Pudding

  1. The first step that must be done is to wash the grapes that you have provided. Please wash the wine under running water until clean or you can wash it by soaking the wine. Then after clean, please drain it first.

  2. Next, please split the grapes into 2 parts. Then you can remove the seeds.

  3. For pineapple, please cut into small pieces.

  4. The next step, please prepare a small pan. Then enter the ingredients you have provided such as gelatin, vanilla powder, water and creamer. Then these ingredients are cooked until cooked and boiling. If it's like that, please lift it.

  5. After that, please pour the jelly into the pudding container or mold that you previously prepared. Then wait a while and let it cool.

  6. While waiting for the pudding to cool and solidify, you can make the toppings. Please prepare a container and add topping ingredients such as grapes, nata de coco and water, pineapple and orange syrup. Stir well and you can adjust the taste.

  7. If the jelly that you have made is solid and cold, you can immediately pour the topping on it. Then put this pudding in the refrigerator.

  8. If it's cold, you can serve this pudding. Enjoyed in a cold state, this fruit-topped pudding milk dish will taste more delicious and delicious.

Some Mistakes to Avoid When Making Milk Pudding

There are several mistakes that must be avoided when making milk pudding, which are as follows:

Milk is too thick or runny

To make milk pudding, all milk can be used such as full cream, powdered or skim milk. However, make sure the milk used is not too thick or too runny. Because later the milk will not be mixed evenly and it will break. For sweetened condensed milk, you can add a little water so that it melts and can easily blend with other ingredients.

See also : Grape Juice Recipe

Mixing Milk with Sour Ingredients

Milk pudding will taste more delicious and fresh if added with fruit. However, do not mix the fruit in the milk stew. The reason is the fruit acid will make the milk texture break. You can add fruit as the pudding is poured into the mold.

Other recipes: Foam Pudding

Boiling Ingredients on High Fire

Boiling milk over high heat will indeed make the milk boil faster. However, this will actually make the texture of the milk break. Therefore, you should use low heat when boiling milk.

Unstirred Milk

When the milk is boiled, don't just let it sit because the bottom of the milk will scorch and break the milk. You have to keep stirring the milk that is being boiled to keep it from clumping.

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That's the recipe and how to make a soft and delicious wine-topped milk pudding. Good luck.

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