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Recipes And Various Spices Oseng / Sauteed Young Papaya Ebi Which Is Delicious And Delicious And How To Make A Simple One

Simple and inexpensive dishes are always the choice of housewives when serving a family meal menu.

Various kinds of dishes like that can be chosen according to taste, one of which is stir-fried or sauteed young papaya mixed with ebi. Although simple, this one stir fry has a very delicious taste. The ebi mixture in it makes the stir-fry taste more savory.

Sauteed ebi young papaya can be a reference when you serve a meal menu. The materials needed can be purchased at a fairly affordable price, so it will not make a hole in the pocket. How to make it is also very practical, so you will not feel confused and troubled.

Curious what are the recipes and how to make stir-fried ebi young papaya? To find out, you can directly refer to the discussion below.

recipes and various spices oseng / sauteed young papaya ebi which is delicious and delicious and how to make a simple one

Recipe Name

Recipes and Various Seasonings of Delicious and Delicious Young Papaya Oseng Ebi and a simple way to make

4.7 135

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

3 people

Ingredients and Seasonings for Making Delicious and Delicious Ebi Young Papaya Oseng / Sauteed and Simple Ways to Make

The Main Ingredients and Seasonings for Sauteed/Stir-Fried Papaya Ebi

  • 250 grams of young papaya
  • 2 cm galangal
  • Sugar to taste
  • 2 teaspoons ebi
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper powder to taste
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1/2 teaspoon chicken stock powder
  • Right amount of oil
  • 200 ml water

Ground spices

  • 2 curly red chilies
  • 4 red onions
  • 2 large red chilies
  • 3 cloves of garlic

How to Make a Delicious and Delicious Ebi Young Papaya Oseng/Sauteed

How to Process Papaya

  1. First, take the young papaya that you have prepared. Peel the young papaya. Slice young papaya into matchsticks.
  2. Then, knead the young papaya using about 1 teaspoon of salt until wilted.
  3. Then wash the young papaya until clean. If so, drain.

Also Read Cooking Recipes and How to Make Young Papaya Vegetables Mixed with Delicious and Savory Anchovies

How to Prepare Ingredients and Seasonings for Stir-fried Papaya Ebi

  1. The first step is to crush the galangal.
  2. Then brew ebi. Then, roast and puree.
  3. Puree all the ground spices as specified above. To make it easier and more practical, puree using a blender.

How to Make Oseng/Sauteed Ebi Young Papaya

  1. Heat enough cooking oil in a frying pan or other cooking utensil. Then add all the spices that have been mashed. Saute the spices until cooked evenly and emit a fragrant aroma.
  2. After that, add the galangal and bay leaf. Stir well until both wilted.
  3. Enter the young papaya that has been sliced ​​earlier. Stir until evenly distributed.
  4. Pour water with the amount as specified. Stir again until evenly distributed.
  5. Add spices such as ground pepper, salt, sugar, and chicken stock powder. Stir well until the spices are dissolved.
  6. Cook until all ingredients are cooked. Before removing, sprinkle with roasted ebi.
  7. Then, remove and serve on a serving plate.

You can enjoy sauteed ebi papaya right away. Eat together with white rice to make it taste more delicious and delicious. Also add other side dishes to make it more special.

That's the recipe and how to make sauteed ebi papaya. Easy isn't it? Good luck.

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