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Delicious And Soft Homemade Sliced ​​ice Recipe

Delicious and Soft Homemade Sliced ​​Ice Recipe – When the weather is hot, enjoying a piece of ice will certainly feel delicious. Delicious and cold ice will quench our thirst. So, so that you can easily enjoy ice cream at home, you can make it yourself.

One ice recipe that is easy to make is ice cubes. This cut ice is an ancient snack but tastes delicious. In addition, how to make it easy and the materials needed are also simple. Want to try making ice cubes at home? Let's look at the various sliced ​​ice recipes below, including the recipe for black sticky rice slices, strawberry cut ice cream recipes, peanut ice cream recipes and avocado ice slice recipes.

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Recipes and How to Make Delicious Black Glutinous Ice Cuts

Dessert _
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword Various desserts, Ice cubes, Deserrt recipes
Preparation Time 15 minutes
Cooking Time 3 hours
Serving 12 pieces
Calories 628 kcal


Materials needed

  • 425 ml coconut milk taken from 1/2 coconut
  • 125 grams of sugar
  • 100 grams of black sticky rice
  • 50 ml of suji water made from 30 suji leaves, and 3 pandan leaves
  • 1/2 pack of hunkwe flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt


How to Make Black Glutinous Ice Cut

  1. First of all, please drain the black sticky rice first.

  2. Then, please dissolve the hunkwe flour, suji water, coconut milk, salt and sugar.

  3. Then you can cook these ingredients using low heat while continuing to stir until bubbling.

  4. If it's like that, please enter the black sticky rice tape that you drained earlier. Then stir until evenly mixed.

  5. Prepare a baking sheet measuring 18x9x5 cm. Then please cover it with plastic.

  6. Please the dough that you have made is poured into the pan. Then flatten.

  7. If so, you can store it in the freezer. Wait a few moments until it hardens.

  8. When the ice is hard, you can cut the ice. Then please wrap it using plastic.

  9. Next, please store the ice in the freezer until it is completely frozen.

The black sticky rice slices are finished. The delicious dish of black crab ice cubes will certainly make you addicted. You can enjoy it when the weather is hot to make it even more delicious.

Recipes and How to Make Strawberry Sliced ​​Ice Cream

delicious and soft homemade sliced ​​ice recipe

Materials needed

  • 250 grams of strawberries
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 300 grams of ice water
  • 4 drops pink coloring
  • 40 grams of vanilla wafer
  • 150 grams of white skim
  • 150 grams of cream powder

How to Make Strawberry Sliced ​​Ice Cream

  1. First of all, the steps that must be taken are to prepare the ingredients so that they are ready to be processed. Please take the strawberries that you have provided. Then wash thoroughly and chop coarsely.
  2. The next step please coarsely chopped vanilla wafers.
  3. Then please beat the cream powder and ice water until fluffy. If it's like that, you can store it in the refrigerator.
  4. After that, please stir the ingredients such as sweetened condensed milk, strawberries and lemon juice until they are evenly mixed.
  5. Then please pour these ingredients into the cream that you have whipped. Stir until evenly mixed.
  6. Next please add pink food coloring. Stir again until evenly mixed.
  7. Then please prepare a 22x22x4 cm tin. Then cover with aluminum foil. Pour the dough that you have made in the pan. Flatten.
  8. For the top you can sprinkle vanilla wafers. Then please freeze in the refrigerator.
  9. When it is frozen you can immediately cut it into pieces, then serve it for the family at home.

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Strawberry slice ice cream recipe is done. Now if you want to enjoy a strawberry ice cream dish, you don't need to buy it because you can easily make it yourself using the recipe we have presented above.

Recipes and How to Make Green Beans Ice Cut

delicious and soft homemade sliced ​​ice recipe

Materials needed

  • 250 grams of sugar
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 900 ml coconut milk
  • 100 grams of cornstarch
  • 10 tbsp green peas

Materials for Dyeing

Enough chocolate

How to Make Green Beans Ice Cut

  1. First of all, please take the green beans that you have provided. Then wash the green beans until they are completely clean under running water. If so, you can drain it first.
  2. The next step, please put the green beans in a saucepan and pour water into it. Please boiled green beans until cooked. Once cooked, you can drain it first.
  3. Next, please put the green beans into a pot of water, cornstarch, sugar, coconut milk and salt that has been boiled.
  4. Let stand until the texture becomes thick. If it's like that, you can set aside and cool it first.
  5. When it's cold, please put it in a long plastic bag. For the ends you can tie it using rubber so it doesn't leak.
  6. Then please put the ice in the freezer until completely frozen.

How to Make Dye

  1. The serving of sliced ​​ice will be even more delicious with the addition of chocolate. Well, to make it, the first step that must be done is to prepare a frying pan.
  2. Then add the chocolate chunks and oil to the pan. Heat until chocolate melts. If so, please set it aside.
  3. After that, please remove the frozen ice. Then you can cut it according to your taste.
  4. Next please put the ice pieces into the chocolate.

Also Read Recipes and How to Make Cendol Mixed Ice Cream that is Special and Fresh

Finally, you can serve this green bean ice cube to your family at home.

Recipe and How to Make Avocado Ice

delicious and soft homemade sliced ​​ice recipe

Materials needed

  • 1200 ml coconut milk taken from 1 coconut
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla
  • 2 medium sized avocados
  • 40 grams of cornstarch
  • 250 grams of sugar
  • Salt to taste

How to Make Avocado Sliced ​​Ice

  1. First, please take the avocado that you have provided. Then split into two parts and scrape using a spoon.
  2. Next, please prepare the pan. Then add the ingredients such as coconut milk, sugar, vanilla and salt. Bring these ingredients to a boil.
  3. For cornstarch, you can add the last one.
  4. Cool the dough first. If it is cold, you can immediately add the scraped avocado.
  5. If you have, please put the dough into a long plastic for ice.
  6. Next, please put it in the freezer until it freezes or hardens.
  7. If it's like that, you can immediately serve this sliced ​​ice to your family at home.
  8. If you want a harder ice cream, you can put it in the freezer overnight.

The right sweet taste of this avocado iced dish is very delicious to enjoy. To make the ice cubes even more delicious, you can dip the ice cubes into the melted chocolate.

Those are various recipes for delicious, soft, home-style ice cubes that you can make easily. You can make this ice cube to fill the refrigerator in your home. His presence will certainly make your little one and the whole family happy.

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