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Ice Shawl Mayang Recipe For Takjil

Selendang Mayang Ice Recipe for Takjil – Selendang mayang ice is a typical drink from Betawi. In this drink there is an additional snack, namely hunkwe jelly. The taste of this drink is sweet and slightly savory. Coupled with ice cubes will certainly be very refreshing in the throat. You can serve it for the takjil menu when breaking the fast.

If you want to try serving ice selendang mayang at home, you don't need to buy it because you can try to make it yourself at home. Here's a recipe and how to make ice shawl mayang for takjil if you're satisfied.

Ice Shawl Mayang Recipe for Takjil

On the ice selendang mayang, there are chewy cakes with various colors made from hunkwe flour. Then it is sent with coconut milk and sugar sauce that has been made. Then add ice cubes to make it taste fresher.

Serving Drinks
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword Dessert recipes, drink recipes, takjil recipes
Preparation Time 7 minutes
Cooking Time 1 hour
4 serving
Calories 117.3 kcal


Main Ingredients Needed

  • 100 grams of sago flour
  • 100 grams hunkwe flour
  • 1 liter of water

Sugar Sauce Ingredients

  • 200 ml water
  • 200 grams of brown sugar
  • 1 pandan leaf

Ingredients for Coconut Milk

  • 500 ml coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 pandan leaf

Other Ingredients

  • Green food coloring to taste
  • Enough red food coloring
  • Ice cubes to taste


How to Make Ice Shawl Mayang

  1. First of all, please prepare the pan. Then the surface is covered with plastic. If so, set it aside first.

  2. Next take the container. Then enter the various ingredients for the mayang scarf. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.

  3. If so, please divide the dough into 3 parts. For one part of the dough add green coloring, then one part of the dough add red food coloring and for the other part leave it white.

  4. For the red dough, please cook it using low heat while stirring continuously until it explodes, and the dough looks clear. If it's like that, please pour it into the pan. Then set aside.

  5. Please cook the white dough using low heat, stirring constantly until it explodes, and the dough looks clear. Then please pour the dough on the baking sheet or on top of the red dough earlier. Set aside first.

  6. The green dough is also cooked using low heat while stirring continuously until it is bubbling and the dough becomes clear. Then pour this green dough on top of the white dough. Set aside and wait a few moments for it to harden.

  7. Prepare the pan. Then add all the coconut milk ingredients into it. Then cook the ingredients until boiling while stirring continuously. If it's like that, you can lift and set aside first.

  8. Mayang shawl that has hardened please remove it from the pan. Then you can cut into squares to the size you like.

Recipe Notes

Serving Tips

Please prepare a serving glass. Then the mayang shawl that you have made is arranged in the serving glass.

  • Then pour the coconut milk and sugar sauce into the serving glass.
  • Add ice cubes to make it taste better and fresher.
  • Finally, you can directly serve it.

That's the recipe and how to make ice shawl mayang for a fresh and delicious takjil menu. Good luck at home.

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