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Cooking Recipes And Seasonings For Serving Cassava Leaves Rendang The Most Steady And Delicious And Tempting Appetite

If you are asked what dish is the best known in the world and comes from Indonesia, perhaps the most appropriate answer is rendang.

Rendang itself is recognized as one of the most delicious and delicious dishes that are loved by many people around the world. Rendang itself in general may be synonymous with beef which is processed with various blends of spices and has been found for many years. In fact, there are several records from the 19th century that tell a lot about a dish that is quite identical to this rendang dish.

In its development you can do this rendang technique against several other types of food as a form of variation and exploration. One form of exploration that you can try by cooking this rendang is a dish of cassava leaf rendang. By processing rendang style, your cassava leaf dish can be a steady and tempting dish and arouse your appetite.

For those of you who are interested, please first listen to the recipe and how to make the following solid cassava leaf rendang dish.

cooking recipes and seasonings for serving cassava leaves rendang the most steady and delicious and tempting appetite

Recipe Name

Recipes and Seasonings for Serving Cassava Leaf Rendang The Most Steady and Delicious and Tempting Appetite
4.7 105

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

4 people

Various Ingredients and Cooking Seasonings to Make a Delicious Serving of Cassava Leaf Rendang that is Steady and Tempting

Materials needed

  • 2 bunches of fresh young cassava leaves
  • 1 cup thick coconut milk
  • 150 grams of red beans

Required Seasonings

  • 6 hazelnuts
  • 1 piece of shrimp paste
  • 1 segment of galangal
  • 1 turmeric finger
  • Salt to taste
  • 10 pieces of red chili
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon coriander powder

Also read recipes and how to make yellow coconut milk cassava leaves, a practical dish that is both delicious and delicious

Steps to make a Steady and Delicious Serving of Cassava Leaves that are Steady and Tempting

Cooking Steps

  1. First, clean the cassava leaves and red beans that you have.
  2. Put the cassava leaves and red beans that you have cleaned into the pot. Cook until soft. After that lift and drain.
  3. Puree all the spices you have in a blender, except for the galangal and bay leaves.
  4. Prepare a container or pan then you mix all the ingredients such as cassava leaves, red beans, spices and coconut milk into it.
  5. Start cooking the mixture over medium heat. After a while you can add galangal and bay leaves to your dish.
  6. Continue to cook while stirring the dish so that the coconut milk does not break. Cook until the coconut milk gravy shrinks and stays a little.
  7. Once it is enough you can turn off the fire and lift the dish onto a plate or serving bowl that has been prepared in advance.

That's how to make a steady menu of cassava leaf rendang along with the various ingredients and spices used. Hopefully this recipe can be one of the mainstay recipes that you can use when you want to give special treats with simple ingredients to the closest people and loved ones.

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