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Simple And Delicious Cassava Leaf Vegetable Recipes For The Family

There are so many dishes that you can try to make and process with the basic ingredients in the form of cassava leaves.

Cassava leaves are known as one of the vegetables that are easy to find and easy to get, especially in rural areas that still have a lot of plantation areas. Therefore you should start trying to process it and then serve it to the family.

However, from the many ingredients, quite a few do not like this dish, perhaps because it is not processed with the right recipe and method and the right seasoning. But if you like to be creative and try to combine ingredients, you can get a delicious dish of cassava leaves that is very solid.

Here is a recipe for serving cassava leaves, namely cassava leaf vegetables that are delicious and steady. For those of you who are interested in trying to enjoy this steady and delicious dish, please listen to the recipe for ingredients and how to make it below.

simple and delicious cassava leaf vegetable recipes for the family

Recipe Name

Simple and Delicious Cassava Leaf Vegetable Recipe for Families
4.7 111

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

5 people

Ingredients and Seasonings for Steady and Delicious Cassava Leaf Vegetables that You Can Follow

The main ingredient

  • 400 grams of young cassava leaves
  • 75 grams of anchovy rice, wash with water then you fry for a while
  • 500 ml thin coconut milk
  • Right amount of oil
  • 1000 ml water

Softened seasoning

  • 1 pecan
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 6 red onions
  • teaspoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon roasted coriander

How to make and steps to make a delicious menu of cassava leaf vegetables

How to Make a Serving

  1. Prepare in advance the cassava leaves that you want to process as a delicious dish. First, boil the cassava leaves in boiling water for 3 minutes, then remove and drain.
  2. Prepare a frying pan then you heat the cooking oil in it, then you stir-fry the spices that have been mashed when the oil is hot. Saute until fragrant.
  3. Prepare a pan then you boil the coconut milk that you have prepared, after a while enter the fine spices that have been sauteed by you before. Don't forget to keep stirring so that it's evenly distributed and the coconut milk doesn't break.
  4. Take the cassava leaves and put them in a pot filled with coconut milk and the spices.
  5. Also put the anchovy rice into the cooking pot, then cook until the coconut milk shrinks and thickens.
  6. Once cooked you can turn off the fire and lift your cassava leaf dish.
  7. Serve on a serving bowl while still warm so that it tastes more delicious and steady.

Those were the ingredients, seasonings and manufacturing steps of a solid menu of cassava leaf vegetables. This cassava leaf menu is one of the menus that is considered to have a simple manufacturing process, with ingredients and spices that are no less simple, even though this menu has a taste that is no less solid than other dishes.

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