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Recipes And How To Make Steamed Vegetable/vegetable Pepes Rice

Nasi pepes with vegetable filling is not only tasty, delicious and also healthy for health.

Vegetables have many health benefits. Vegetables contain lots of fiber which is good for digestive health, besides for those of you who are on a vegetable diet, it is the right food menu. Many of the benefits contained in vegetables, for example, the content of antioxidants that can destroy free radicals.

It's just that not everyone likes vegetables, some avoid consuming vegetables because they taste bland. To make vegetables into food ingredients and get the benefits you can add vegetables to the main menu or family favorite menu.

One of them is additional vegetables that you can make as additional ingredients for steamed/pepes rice dough. Who doesn't know Pepes rice with a savory taste and a distinctive spice aroma? Generally contains beef, chicken, liver gizzard or mushrooms. Now, you can make pepes rice with the addition of healthy vegetables.

For vegetable ingredients and provide health benefits, you should use green vegetables, orange vegetables or white vegetables, each of which provides different benefits for health.

recipes and how to make steamed vegetable/vegetable pepes rice

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Steamed Vegetable/Vegetable Pepes Rice

4.7 88

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

8 Servings

The ingredients used to make steamed vegetable/vegetable peppered rice

Main Ingredients Steamed Vegetable Pepes Rice

  • 350 grams of rice
  • 2 lemongrass stalks, bruised
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 600 ml chicken stock
  • Banana leaves for wrapping
  • Toothpick

Ingredients for Sauteed Vegetable Steamed Pepes Rice

  • 150 grams of tempeh, cut into small pieces
  • 150 grams of carrots, grated
  • 150 grams of chickpeas, finely sliced
  • 150 grams of sweet corn
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper powder
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • 150 ml chicken stock
  • oil for frying

Also read the Seasoning Recipe and How to Make/Cook Sundanese Pepes Rice

Complementary Ingredients for Vegetable Pepes Rice

  • Shrimp crisp
  • Chilli sauce

How to Make Vegetable/Vegetable Pepes Rice

  1. First, boil the rice with broth until it boils then add the bay leaves, lemongrass until the water is absorbed and reduced then remove
  2. Steam for about 25 minutes or 3/4 cooked, set aside
  3. For the filling, you can heat the oil then fry the garlic until fragrant
  4. Next add tempeh, until it changes color
  5. Then add vegetables such as carrots, corn, beans and stir until evenly distributed
  6. Also add spices such as pepper, salt, and sugar, stir again until evenly distributed
  7. Add broth, cook until done
  8. Take a piece of banana leaf then take two spoons of dough, add the stir-fried vegetables, cover again using a banana leaf, pin it using a toothpick on the right and left
  9. Steam for about 20 minutes until cooked

For the ingredients to make your own vegetable rice, you can adjust it according to your taste, you can replace several types of vegetables such as adding additional spinach, kale or chopped green mustard.

Steamed rice is very suitable to be served while warm with complementary ingredients of spicy chili sauce, crackers and other side dishes such as fried tempeh or fried tofu. For those of you who like spicy flavors, you can add cayenne pepper to the Pepes rice stuffing dough.

After trying this delicious and delicious Nasi Pepes, you can try other recipes that you can share with friends or family on social media. You can also leave a comment below. 

Category Assorted Rice Pepes

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