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Important Tips When Buying And Choosing Fresh Squid

Seafood is a food that is loved by many people and is considered special because all types of food ingredients that come from the sea are known to have a special taste.

Well, when cooking your seafood don't just focus on the dishes that will be produced. You also have to pay attention when choosing or buying seafod in the market, because nowadays there are a lot of foods from the sea that are not fresh, one of which is squid.

Squid is one of the seafood that can be processed and produce a delicious and special food menu. Squid can be processed into any menu with various spices. However, on the other hand, choosing squid is not easy. Because differentiating fresh and old squid requires patience.

When choosing squid, there are things that you must really pay attention to so you don't make the wrong choice when buying it. You should know tips for choosing fresh squid to produce healthy and nutritious food. Below are important tips to buy or choose fresh squid.

important tips when buying and choosing fresh squid

  1. When choosing squid, make sure you choose fresh squid. Which you can see fresh squid from its appearance. It is recommended that you choose squid with skin color that is still white, and there are reddish brown spots. Also make sure you choose squid that has no tears. You need to know, old squid has pink skin and yellow flesh.
  2. Apart from looking at the skin, you can also see fresh squid from the eyes. The clear squid eyes are the sign that the squid is still fresh. In addition, the head is still attached and the epidermis has a clear white color. If you see a squid whose epidermis has changed color to purplish, then you should not choose the squid. Because squid like that is not fresh and the quality has decreased.
  3. Fresh squid does not emit a fishy aroma. When choosing squid, it is recommended that you smell it first. Fresh squid has a distinctive aroma like sea water, and is not overpowering.
  4. If you want to cook it quickly and not too long, then you can choose small sized squid. Because large squid takes a long time to cook quickly.
  5. After getting the squid that you will process, then immediately clean the squid. However, if you are not going to process it right away, you can store it in the refrigerator first. The maximum time limit for storing squid in the refrigerator is about 2 days. You can also store squid in the freezer at a temperature below 18 degrees Celsius, which storage in this way will make the squid last up to 2 months.
  6. If you store the squid in plastic, then you should store it in thick plastic. Make sure that the plastic used to pick the squid has no air inlet. So that the squid does not rot, then you can close the squid tightly.
  7. If the nearest market does not provide fresh squid, then you can choose frozen squid.

Also Read Tips for Choosing and Storing Carrots to Keep them Fresh and Healthy

The squid that you have bought can be directly processed into a delicious menu. If not, make sure you save it properly. Thus tips for choosing fresh squid. May be useful.

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