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Recipes And How To Make Steamed Pizza That Is Simple But Still Delicious And Delicious

How to make pizza in general using the oven.

Although it is also possible to make pizza using Teflon, of course this is done so that the process of making pizza can be easier and simpler.

But have you ever tried to make a pizza dish by steaming it? Yes, it may sound a little foreign to our ears, but even so, the taste resulting from this steamed pizza dish is no less delicious and delicious than a pizza dish cooked using the oven or a pizza dish made using Teflon.

Of course this is good news for pizza enthusiasts wherever you are, because besides being a new innovation in the world of pizza, it is alleged that this dish cooked by steaming has a lower cholesterol content when compared to serving pizza cooked by steaming. using the oven or Teflon.

As we know that the process of cooking by steaming will reduce the protein content contained in a food, as well as this steamed pizza dish, the protein content contained in all the ingredients will be converted into steam, thereby reducing the protein content contained in it. .

But of course you will never find this steamed pizza dish at a pizza outlet or restaurant that you usually visit, because this recipe is just an exploration and innovation from pizza enthusiasts who are already bored with the existing pizza dishes.

So, from now on you don't have to worry anymore about eating pizza for fear of your cholesterol rising, because there is a pizza recipe that is guaranteed to be safe for people with cholesterol. Yes, you are curious as to whether the low-cholesterol steamed pizza dish is? Here we present the recipe and how to make it…

Also Read Recipes And How To Make Pizza Toppings / Sow Special Sausages That Are Simple But Will Still Taste Delicious And Savory

recipes and how to make steamed pizza that is simple but still delicious and delicious

Recipe Name 

Recipes and how to make steamed pizza that is simple but still delicious and delicious

4.9 104

Cooking Time 




Number of Servings

4 Servings

Ingredients needed to make steamed pizza 

Ingredients for making pizza bread 

  • 250 gr high protein flour
  • Salt teaspoon
  • Sugar teaspoon
  • Instant Yeast 11 gr
  • Vegetable oil as needed

Ingredients for sprinkles / toppings 

  • Tomato sauce (can be bottled or homemade according to your taste)
  • Sausage 4 sticks, sliced
  • 2 bell peppers, thinly sliced
  • Onion 2 cloves, sliced
  • Grated block cheese according to your taste

How to make steamed pizza 

How to make 

  1. Combine high protein flour, salt, sugar, instant yeast and vegetable oil, then stir the entire dough until smooth.
  2. Knead the dough by pouring water little by little on the surface until it is smooth (feels flexible)
  3. Form the dough into a ball and rest, during the fermentation process the dough can be put in a container and covered with a damp cloth for about 30 minutes to 1 hour until it expands.
  4. After rising, print the dough in the pan, first grease the pan with vegetable oil.
  5. Spread the tomato sauce according to your taste
  6. Add the toppings / sprinkles that we have prepared previously including sliced ​​sausage, grated cheese, paprika, and onions.
  7. then steam over medium heat for about 25 minutes.
  8. Remove, then serve still warm.

Thus the recipe and how to make steamed pizza that is practical and simple, hopefully this can be useful for all of you. And there's nothing wrong if you try it at home, please give a comment and don't forget to share it with your friends too..

Also Read Easy Recipes And Practical Ways To Make A Delicious And Delicious Tofu Pizza / Tofu Without Oven.

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