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Food Recipes And Various Seasonings Of Oyong Tofu Soup The Most Delicious And How To Make

Oyong tofu egg soup can be a reference for you when you want to serve a menu for your family at home.

Oyong tofu egg soup is also very suitable as a friend to eat your little one. Besides having a good taste, this soup is also a nutritious dish that is very good for consumption.

This oyong tofu egg soup recipe is simple, the spices and ingredients you need are easy to buy at affordable prices. Well, if you want to make it, you can refer to the recipe and how to make oyong tofu egg soup below. 

food recipes and various seasonings of oyong tofu soup the most delicious and how to make

Recipe Name

Food Recipes and Various Seasonings for the Most Delicious Oyong Tofu Soup and How to Make

4.7 135

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

4 people

Ingredients and Seasonings for Making the Most Delicious Egg Oyong Tofu Soup

Main Ingredients and Seasonings for Oyong Tofu Egg Soup

  • 300 grams of oyong
  • 200 grams of tofu taqwa
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 scallion
  • 1,500 ml chicken stock
  • 1 stalk celery

Smooth Seasoning Oyong Tofu Egg Soup

  • 5 red onions
  • Salt to taste
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper powder
  • Sugar to taste

How to Make the Most Delicious Oyong Tofu Egg Soup

How to Prepare Ingredients and Seasonings

  1. The first step that must be done is to peel or clean the oyong that you have purchased or prepared. Then cut the oyong with a thickness of about 2 cm.
  2. After that, take piety. Then cut into squares.
  3. Next, beat the eggs. Then tie the celery.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into 6 parts.
  5. Slice the scallions to a thickness of 1 cm.

How to Make Seasoning

  1. First, heat enough cooking oil. Then add the onion and garlic. Fry the onion until it gives off a fragrant aroma.
  2. If it smells good, remove and set aside.
  3. Then, prepare a mortar or other tool for smoothing. Combine all the spices that have been determined as above, then puree until completely smooth.

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How to Make Oyong Tofu Egg Soup

  1. Prepare a pan, then add the chicken stock that you prepared earlier. Bring the broth to a boil.
  2. When the broth has boiled, add the ground spices and celery leaves. Leave it on until it smells good.
  3. Next, enter the tofu that has been cut into squares. Cook until the water boils again.
  4. After that, add the onions and tomatoes. Stir well and cook until the oyong is cooked and the water boils again.
  5. Take the egg that you have beaten earlier. Then add the eggs and stir until they are stringy. Then, cook until done.
  6. Add scallions. Then stir well and cook until all the ingredients are cooked and the spices are absorbed. When it is cooked, remove and serve in a bowl or serving container that has been prepared.
  7. Finally, take the fried shallots that you have prepared. Then sprinkle on top of the finished egg oyong tofu soup.

You can enjoy the oyong tofu egg soup right away. Eat this soup hot for a more delicious taste. You can also eat it with warm white rice.

That's the recipe and how to make oyong tofu egg soup. Easy and practical right? Good luck making it at home. If you like this recipe, it would be nice if you share it with friends, friends, and those around you, by pressing the share button that we have provided. You can also add comments or suggestions in the column below.

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