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Practical Recipes And How To Make Delicious And Delicious Chocolate Cheese Kebab Rolls

For those of you who are familiar with and like processed kebabs, you may know kebabs as meat-based preparations.

In general, kebabs are indeed processed meat such as goat and beef and the most common way of processing is grilled or grilled. But over time there are many variations that you can find, in this kebab preparation. Of the many variations that you can find in processed kebabs, it is in the form of chocolate cheese rolls, yes this one kebab menu is called chocolate cheese roll kebabs.

For those of you who are interested in the unique menu of variations of this kebab, you can see the recipe and how to make it below. Good luck and good luck.

practical recipes and how to make delicious and delicious chocolate cheese kebab rolls

Recipe Name

Practical Recipes and How to Make Delicious and Delicious Chocolate Cheese Kebab Rolls
4.9 80

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

50 Servings

Ingredients needed to make delicious and delicious chocolate cheese roll kebabs

Kebab Skin Material

  • 1,250 grams of wheat flour. Use only moderate protein
  • 25 grams of powdered sugar
  • 1,500 cc of water
  • 75 cc of cooking oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Oil for greasing as needed

Kebab Stuffing Ingredients

  • 25 Ambon bananas, thinly sliced ​​round
  • 625 grams of chocolate meses
  • 750 grams grated cheddar cheese

Ways and Steps to Make Delicious and Delicious Chocolate Cheese Roll Kebabs

How to Make Chocolate Cheese Kebab Rolls

  1. The first step is to mix the ingredients for your kebab filling, including bananas, meises, and cheese. Stir until all the ingredients are evenly distributed. Then you set it aside.
  2. The next step is to make the kebab skin, by making the dough first. Mix all the dough ingredients in the form of flour and sugar and then slowly pour the water into the mixture. Continue kneading the dough until smooth.
  3. Don't forget to add oil and salt to the dough and continue kneading until smooth. After the dough is finished then you let it rest for 30 minutes at room temperature.
  4. After approximately 30 minutes have passed you take the dough and continue by dividing it into 10 small round parts. Sprinkle flour first on your mat so that the dough doesn't stick and stick to the base.
  5. Continue to make the dough ball into a flat by grinding it. Roll out the dough until it is flat and about 20 cm in diameter.
  6. After all the dough is formed flat you can continue to bake the skin half-baked.
  7. After all the skin is baked half-baked, you can give it a filling in the form of cheese, mese and of course bananas. Adjust the filling so that the skin still folds and closes well.
  8. Finish arranging the contents, then you bake it again until it is brown.

That was how to make a very delicious and delicious chocolate cheese roll kebab. You can serve this unique menu to the closest people, especially children, because the sweet taste it has will make them like this delicious food.

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