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The Most Delicious And Softest Simple Cheese Tape Pastry Recipe With Pictures

Of the various types of traditional dishes that are solid and tempting, one that might be your favorite is tape.

As a traditional dish, tape can be made from various types of ingredients, ranging from cassava to sticky rice. Various regions have their own characteristics with their tape dishes. This tape dish also has a great taste, good vitamin value for you.

But surely you are often bored if you continue to enjoy tape dishes in the same form, therefore it is not wrong if you try to present this cheese tape dish in a different form, namely pastries. Interested in trying? The following is a recipe for cheese tape cookies combined with the delicacy of tempting cheese. Check it out below!

the most delicious and softest simple cheese tape pastry recipe with pictures

Recipe Name

The Most Delicious and Softest Simple Cheese Tape Cookie Recipe with Pictures
4.9 119

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

3 pans

The Ingredients Needed To Process And Make The Most Delicious And Softest Simple Cheese Tape Cookies

Material A

  • 125 grams of powdered sugar
  • 250 grams butter blend
  • 125 grams of tape puree first

Material B

  • 1 egg take the yolk

Material C

  • 25 grams of powdered milk
  • 3 grams of baking powder
  • 50 grams of cornstarch
  • 50 grams of cheddar cheese, grated first
  • 350 grams of wheat flour which has low protein

Topping Ingredients

  • Cheese, grated for sprinkling
  • 2 eggs, only the yolks

How to Process and Make the Simplest and Most Delicious and Softest Cheese Tape Cookies

Ways and Steps of Making

  1. Prepare in advance the ingredients in dough A for you to shake and process.
  2. Put ingredients A into the same 1 bowl then start beating or mixing using a mixer. Set it to the highest speed until it expands.
  3. After it is quite even and expands, you can start to add ingredient B into the dough while you gently knead the dough.
  4. Take ingredient C then you put it back into the dough and stir until all the ingredients are evenly distributed.
  5. After your dough is perfectly formed, let the dough rest for a while in the chiller. (approximately 1 hour).
  6. After 1 hour then you remove the dough from the chiller then you roll it thin with a size of approximately 3 mm on a baking sheet, then cut into 2x4 squares .
  7. After the dough is cut, take the egg yolk that you have and spread it on the top of the dough that you have cut before.
  8. Sprinkle grated cheddar cheese on top of your cake.
  9. After you are done with the cake you can prepare the oven and preheat it for a while.
  10. After who then enter and bake your homemade dough into the oven.
  11. Set the temperature to 160 degrees and bake in about 20 minutes until done.
  12. After cooked then you lift and drain for a while.
  13. Serve and arrange in a serving jar of pastries that you have.

This cake made from cheese tape can be an interesting choice for those of you who like processed tape, special and traditional foods with an attractive and tastier look and appearance.

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Also read the Simple Recipe for Banana Sale Cookies that are the Most Delicious and Steady, Savory and Tempting

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