Recipes And How To Make Tilapia Fish Dish With Easy Salad Dressing With Delicious Simple Spices
Delicious and delicious are two words that can describe how special this dish of tilapia with salad dressing is.
This delicious and easy dish to make at home is perfect for serving as a special main course menu for the family at home. Check out the recipe for making a dish of tilapia with rujak spices below!
Recipe Name
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Cooking Time
Number of Servings
3 Servings
Ingredients Required To Make Easy Rujak Seasoned Tilapia Fish Serving with Delicious Simple Seasonings
Tilapia Main Ingredients:
- 3 tilapia fish
- the oil for frying
- 200 ml water
- 2 tbsp lime juice
- 1 tbsp sprinkle salt
Ground Tilapia Seasoning:
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1/2 teaspoon coriander
- 1 teaspoon salt
Ingredients for Stir-Frying Tilapia with Rujak Seasoning:
- 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
- 1/2 onion, cut lengthwise
- 1 red tomato, sliced round
- 2 tablespoons of cooking oil
- 3 pieces of red cayenne pepper, sliced oblique
- 1/4 teaspoon chicken stock powder
- 2 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 2 large red chilies, sliced oblique
- 1/2 teaspoon of brown sugar comb
- 200 ml water
- 1 teaspoon cornstarch, dissolved in water
- 2 tbsp cooking oil
How to Make Easy Rujak Seasoned Tilapia Fish with Delicious Simple Seasonings
How to Clean Tilapia Before Seasoning:
- The first thing you can do on this occasion is to clean the prepared tilapia and other ingredients that you have not cleaned. This is very important in order to maintain the hygiene of the ingredients so that bacteria and dirt in the food do not enter the body through the dishes we eat.
- As for tips for cleaning tilapia you can do by first cleaning the scales on the fish's body until clean. To clean these fish scales you can do it using a spoon or knife and clean the fish scales in the reverse direction from the direction of the fish scales.
- After cleaning the fish scales, now we will clean the fish's entrails by slashing the fish's stomach evenly and removing the contents of the stomach completely. Then clean with water until the dirt in the fish's stomach is clean evenly.
- Next, clean the gills on the fish's head by severing them using your hands and removing the fish gills that you have removed.
- After all parts of the fish are cleaned evenly, now please give an incision or cut in the belly of the fish so that the spices cooked together with the fish can absorb into it perfectly.
- Then give the lime juice and a sprinkling of salt on the fish evenly. It is used to remove the fishy smell of fish and set aside temporarily.
How to Make Tilapia with Rujak Seasoning:
- After the fish has been allowed to sit for the specified time, now wash the fish using water to remove excess salt from the fish.
- Next, give the fish with ground spices and spread it on the fish body evenly, then let it rest for about 15 minutes.
- When done, fry the fish in hot oil until the fish turns crispy and evenly browned.
- For the fish stir fry seasoning, we will prepare a frying pan and fry the garlic and onion seasoning until fragrant, then add the red chili, sweet soy sauce and cayenne pepper. Stir until evenly distributed.
- Put the water into the stir fry along with the powdered broth, salt and brown sugar into it and cook until it boils. Pour in the chopped tomatoes, mix well and thicken with a solution of mazeina flour. Cook until the gravy that is given the solution becomes bubbly.
- Only then enter the fried tilapia into it and cook until the spices seep into it.
Thus the recipe for making delicious and delicious tilapia with salad dressing. Hopefully this recipe is useful for mothers at home.
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