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Recipes And How To Make A Sweet And Delicious Cappuccino Milk Pudding

The softness of the milk pudding this time with the aroma and taste of cappuccino will make everyone tempted.

It tastes so sweet and delicious, it's perfect as a dessert. This cappuccino milk pudding is different from other puddings, because in addition to being superior in terms of taste, its appearance is also very attractive and very pleasing to the eye.

You can make this cappuccino milk pudding at home, besides how to make it easy, the ingredients needed are not difficult to find. You can even buy the materials you need at affordable prices so they won't drain your wallet.

Make your family happy with the presence of this cappuccino milk pudding at home. Here's a recipe and how to make a cappuccino milk pudding that you can see.

recipes and how to make a sweet and delicious cappuccino milk pudding

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make a Sweet and Delicious Capuccino Milk Pudding

4.9 237

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

16 Pieces

Ingredients needed to make a sweet and delicious cappuccino milk pudding

Material I

  • 400 ml liquid milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 50 gram cappuccino powder
  • 30 grams of sugar
  • 1 pack of powdered jelly
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 3 egg whites
  • 8 pieces of Oreo biscuits that have been removed the cream

Material II

  • 250 ml water
  • 3 grams of powdered jelly
  • 1 teaspoon instant coffee
  • 50 grams of sugar

Material III

  • 400 ml liquid milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon mocha pasta
  • 1/2 pack of powdered jelly
  • 35 grams of sugar
  • 25 grams of cappuccino powder

How to Make a Sweet and Delicious Capuccino Milk Pudding

How to Process Material I

  1. The first step in processing ingredients I is, you must first prepare a small pan. Then enter the ingredients such as liquid milk, cappuccino powder, sugar and agar-agar.
  2. Turn on the stove fire. Then save the pot containing the ingredients I on the stove. Boil the mixture until it boils while stirring.
  3. After that, beat the eggs that have been added salt to it. Then beat until the dough is half fluffy. Add the sugar little by little while beating until fluffy.
  4. Prepare a patterned tulban pan. Then pour the batter into the pan. Set aside or leave until the dough is half frozen. Arrange the Oreo biscuits that you have prepared until they are slightly piled up.

Also Read Recipes and How to Make a Delicious and Soft Vanilla Milk Pudding

How to Process Material II

  1. Prepare a small pot again. Then enter the ingredients such as water, sugar, instant coffee and agar-agar.
  2. Turn on the stove fire. Then keep the small pot on the stove on medium heat. Stir until boiling.
  3. When it boils, you can immediately pour it over the Oreo biscuits that have been arranged in piles. Then leave or let stand until half frozen.

How to Process Material III

  1. Take a small pot that was previously used to boil ingredients I and II. Then enter the III ingredients such as liquid milk, powdered cappuccino, gelatin, sugar and mocha paste.
  2. Turn the stove back on. Then keep the pot of ingredients on the stove on.
  3. Bring all the ingredients to a boil, stirring constantly. If so, set it aside first.
  4. Then, pour over the ingredients II.
  5. Leave or let stand until frozen.

If it's like that, you can eat it right away.

That's the recipe and how to make a cappuccino milk pudding. Good luck.

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