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Recipes And How To Make A Special Mozzarella Cheese Pizza That Is Simple But Still Delicious And Delicious

Pizza at this time has become one of the favorite foods in Indonesia.

Hearing the name alone, we can already imagine that pizza is a kind of food that is circular and flat, which is topped with vegetables and meat plus grated cheese so that it adds to its own charm for fans.

Just look at the availability of pizza in supermarkets or in restaurants as the main food menu, it indicates that the Indonesian people really like the food, even to make it easier to get this food there is also an ordering service facility that can be delivered directly to the house, just by calling to service number that has been provided or can order through a website on the internet.

But even so, it would be better if you want to try to make pizza which is one of your favorite foods at home, because besides we can save a little and the taste is not inferior to what you usually find in restaurants or supermarkets.

Therefore, for this opportunity, we will present a recipe and how to make a special mozzarella cheese pizza that is simple, but will still taste good and delicious for you to enjoy with your family or with your work friends and even your business partners, here's a pizza recipe and how to make it. , good luck.

recipes and how to make a special mozzarella cheese pizza that is simple but still delicious and delicious

Recipe Name 

Recipes and how to make a special Mozzarella Cheese Pizza that is simple but still delicious and delicious

4.9 98

Cooking Time 

Preparation: 20 minutes

Cooking: 30 minutes

Total: 50 minutes

Number of Servings

4 Servings

The ingredients needed to make a special mozzarella cheese pizza that is simple but still tasty and delicious 

Ingredients for making bread

  • 250 gram flour
  • Instant yeast 10 grams
  • Sugar teaspoon
  • Salt teaspoon
  • Flour oil 2 tablespoons
  • Water that has been boiled enough

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Sprinkling / topping ingredients

  • Minced meat 200 grams
  • Mushrooms 15 pieces, which have been split
  • 1 pepper, which has been sliced ​​into rounds
  • Garlic 1 clove, which has been chopped
  • 50 grams of onions, which have been chopped
  • Broth 2 blocks
  • Oregano and basil teaspoon
  • 100 gram mozzarella cheese
  • Grated cheese 2 tablespoons

Ingredients for sauce 

  • 500 grams of tomatoes, which have been grated
  • Tomato paste 2 tablespoons
  • Garlic 2 cloves that have been chopped
  • Onions 750 grams that have been chopped
  • Sugar and salt to taste

How to make a special mozzarella cheese pizza that is simple but still tasty and delicious 

How to make bread 

  1. Combine all the bread ingredients that have been prepared previously, then stir until blended.
  2. Add water little by little, then knead until smooth (not sticky to hands) and smooth.
  3. Cover with a damp cloth and let rise until doubled.
  4. Thin the dough to about 1/2 cm, form about 30 cm balls with an edge of 1 cm.
  5. Place it on a baking sheet that has been greased previously, then prick the middle so it doesn't bubble.
  6. Bake half cooked with a temperature of about 200 degrees Celsius, approximately up to 10 minutes.

How to make sprinkles / toppings 

  1. Saute onions and garlic
  2. Add all the toppings / toppings, except cheese
  3. Add 100 ml of water
  4. Cook until the water runs out
  5. Apply tomato sauce to the pizza that has been in the oven, pour the sprinkles / toppings on the pizza then sprinkle with grated cheese and mozzarella filling.
  6. Bake in the oven on medium heat for about 10 minutes until cooked and the cheese (mozzarella) has melted.

That's the recipe and how to make a special mozzarella cheese pizza that is simple but still delicious and delicious, don't forget to comment and share it with your friends too...

Also Read Recipes And How To Make Fried Pizza Filled With Crispy Minced Meat Saute


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