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Recipes And How To Make Delicious, Delicious And Special Chicken Tempura

Now not only shrimp as the main ingredient of tempura. You can use tasty and delicious chicken as a special dish.

Tempura in restaurants is often different from the tempura you make at home, even though the recipe is the same, what's the difference? A natural question for those of you who want to try a special home-made tempura recipe.

Before we share the chicken tempura recipe, we share tips on making delicious, delicious and special tempura so that it is similar to restaurant dishes. When making the dough so crunchy is to cool the dough, avoid mixing the flour by using hot water, even preferably using cold water or with the addition of soda water.

Next is to stir, when stirring the flour mixture using chopsticks, the goal is so that the flour does not clump too much so that the resulting tempura will be crispy. Likewise, when entering the ingredients gradually, try to add the ingredients into the flour mixture one by one so that not a lot of flour sticks to the ingredients.

Then lastly, pay attention to the oil for frying. The ideal temperature for frying the tempura is 170 degrees Celsius, so more than that will result in the ingredients not being cooked but looking charred.

After knowing the tips, you are more curious to try it? This is the way you can do to make Chicken Tempura that is Delicious, Delicious and Special.

recipes and how to make delicious, delicious and special chicken tempura

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Delicious, Delicious and Special Chicken Tempura

4.8 160

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

3 Servings

Ingredients needed for Recipes and How to Make Delicious, Delicious and Special Chicken Tempura

Chicken Tempura Main Ingredients

  • 300 grams of chicken fillet
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 150 grams of tempura flour
  • Cold water
  • Vegetable oil as needed
  • Pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste

Also Read Recipes and How to Make Tempura Ebi which is delicious, crispy, delicious and special

Chicken Tempura Complementary Ingredients

  • Cabbage to taste
  • 1 carrot
  • Mayonnaise to taste

How to Make Delicious, Delicious and Special Chicken Tempura

  1. The first step is the chicken fillet cut lengthwise in several parts, then mariner with salt and pepper, let stand until absorbed
  2. Then mix the egg yolks and ice water in a bowl, then add the tempura flour mixture
  3. The next step is to add oil to the pan, then fry the chicken by dipping into the batter until it turns golden yellow, remove from heat.
  4. Do it for the other ingredients.
  5. Meanwhile, to make the sauce, mix the sliced ​​cabbage and carrots then add the salad and mayonnaise. Serve.

Even though it is very famous as a Japanese food menu, who would have thought it turns out that the notes found on this tempura were introduced by the Portuguese in the 16th century. Even the explanation of the name tempura itself is often associated with the naming of the Portuguese name.

In the Edom period, tempura was found as a street food made from sweet potatoes and vegetables. shrimp or lotus tubers. Even the tempura itself is divided into two types based on the eggs used, namely kinpura, which is tempura that uses egg yolks only, while jan ginpura is tempura that uses egg whites only.

You want to try the tempura recipe above? Please try and share on your social media, even for those of you who want to leave a comment, please leave a comment in the column provided below, good luck with the chicken tempura recipe for the family with the addition of a special sauce. 

Categories of Various Tempura Recipes

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