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Cooking Recipes And Various Seasonings And How To Make Tasty And Delicious Sour Winged Beans Vegetables

Want to serve fresh dishes that are right to eat during the day? You can try winged vegetables with sour sauce at home.

This one vegetable is very tasty and delicious, so it will arouse your appetite with your family. The mixed meat will make the vegetables taste more special.

How to make it easy and practical. To find out the recipe and how to make winged vegetables with sour sauce, you can immediately refer to the recipe and how to make it below.

cooking recipes and various seasonings and how to make tasty and delicious sour winged beans vegetables

Recipe Name

Cooking Recipes and Various Seasonings and How to Make Tasty and Delicious Sour Winged Beans Vegetables

4.7 239

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

3 people

Ingredients and Seasonings for Making Tasty and Delicious Sour Winged Beans Vegetables

Bahan dan Bumbu Utama Sayur Kecipir Kuah Asam

  • 200 gram kecipir
  • 200 gram daging tetelan
  • 50 gram kacang tanah
  • 100 gram labu siam
  • 4 cm lengkuas
  • 30 gram belimbing wuluh
  • 1 buah tomat
  • 3 sendok makan air asam
  • Garam secukupnya
  • Gula merah sisir secukupnya
  • 3 lembar daun salam
  • 1500 ml air

Bumbu Halus Sayur Kecipir Kuah Asam

  • 10 butir bawang merah
  • 5 butir kemiri
  • 4 buah cabai merah
  • 1 sendok teh terasi

Cara Membuat Sayur Kecipir Kuah Asam yang Enak dan Nikmat

Cara Menyiapkan Bahan dan Bumbu Sayur Kecipir Kuah Asam

  1. Pertama, bersihkan daging tetelah yang sudah anda siapkan. Lalu potong daging tetelan dengan ukuran sesuai selera.
  2. Memarkan lengkuas. Lalu potong-potong tomat dengan bentuk dan ukuran sesuai selera.
  3. Kemudian, haluskan semua bumbu halus seperti yang ditentukan di atas. Agar lebih praktis, anda bisa menghaluskannya dengan menggunakan blender.

How to Prepare Winged Beans and Chayote Before Processing

  1. Take the winged beans that you have prepared. Then cut it into pieces according to your taste. If you have set it aside first.
  2. Take chayote. Then peel the chayote that you have prepared. Cut the chayote into cubes.
  3. After that, wash the winged beans and chayote that have been cut earlier.

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How to Make Winged Beans with Sour Sauce

  1. The first step, prepare a pot or other tool that will be used for cooking. Then enter the water with the amount as specified above. boil water until boiling.
  2. When the water has boiled, add the chopped beef along with the galangal, bay leaf, and peanuts. Boil it all until cooked or tender.
  3. If it's like that, add the spices that have been mashed. Stir well and let the water boil again.
  4. Then, enter the pieces of winged bean and chayote. Stir well and cook until done.
  5. Add chopped green tomatoes, tamarind water, star fruit, brown sugar, and salt. Stir evenly.
  6. Cook again until the starfruit and tomatoes are wilted.
  7. If it's like that, you can immediately lift and serve the vegetables into a bowl or serving container that has been prepared.

The tamarind gravy winged vegetables are finished. You can now directly enjoy this fresh vegetable. It will be better if this vegetable is eaten with warm white rice in a warm state too.

As a suggestion, to get a more special vegetable you can add or combine other complementary ingredients with this one vegetable according to what you want.

That's the recipe and how to make winged vegetables with sour sauce. Good luck.

Don't forget to share this sour sauce vegetable recipe with your friends. Also comment in the column provided below.

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