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Tips For Processing Squid So It's Not Fishy And The Right Way To Cook It So It's Tender And Not Tough

Squid is one of the most popular seafood or seafood.

Therefore, squid-based dishes are very popular. It was so delicious and very delicious. Many processed squid that we can make easily at home. However, sometimes when you prepare it yourself at home, the situation for squid is not the same as when you buy processed squid at a restaurant. Where usually the squid still smells fishy or the meat is not tender and still tough.

There are certain tips that can be done to process or clean squid so that it does not smell fishy. Where the tips will be presented this time.

Meanwhile, the reason why the tough squid is difficult to eat is because the squid takes too long to cook. This is due to the high protein content in squid. Therefore, you must pay attention to the time and method of cooking it.

So how do you cook squid to make it soft and not tough? To find out, you can directly refer to the discussion below.

tips for processing squid so it's not fishy and the right way to cook it so it's tender and not tough

Tips for Processing Squid So It's Not Fishy

1. Choose a good squid

One way that can be done to avoid the pungent fishy smell is, you have to choose squid that are still in good condition. Where to recognize good squid you can see the characteristics that we present, where the eyes of the squid are still clean, the meat is not reddish, not rotten, the epidermis is not damaged, the meat is solid and still chewy.

2. Proper cleaning process

Cleaning the squid properly and properly will make the processed squid more delicious and avoid unpleasant odors. The way you have to pay attention is, clean the ink on the squid carefully, don't let it spill or spill over to the meat. Then, remove the cartilage, or more similar to plastic, clean the epidermis. The method is to peel off the outer skin, then clean the dirt, then wash it in running water until clean.

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3. Coat with fishy odor-eliminating ingredients

In addition to doing the proper cleaning process, you can also coat the squid with fishy-removing ingredients. Many ingredients can be used to get rid of the fishy taste, for example, grated ginger, tamarind or you can use lime. Coat the cleaned squid, then let it rest for a while. Only after that, you can wash it again. Then, you can immediately process it into a dish that is so delicious. However, do not leave the squid that has been given the fishy remover ingredient for too long because it will remove the actual aroma of the squid.

The Right Way of Cooking To Be Tender and Not Tough

  1. So that the squid is soft or not tough, then you have to cook or process the squid in a short time. The ideal time is usually only 3 minutes. If indeed you have been processing it for a long time, then you can continue to cook the squid for about 30 minutes so that the squid meat can become soft again.
  2. After boiling the squid, then as soon as possible you should put the squid meat into cold water. This method aims to keep the squid meat tender and not tough.
  3. If your squid is made into a soup, then you can cook the squid separately from the other ingredients.

Those are tips on how to clean squid so it doesn't smell fishy and how to cook squid so it's soft and not tough.

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