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Recipes And How To Make Scrambled Eggs Mixed Tofu And White Chillies That Are Simple, Delicious And Healthy

How to Make Scrambled Eggs – Eggs and tofu are simple ingredients that can be cooked into a variety of delicious dishes. These two ingredients can be combined in a dish of white tofu scrambled eggs. Coupled with vegetables, chicory will make this dish even more delicious and of course healthy.

A dish of scrambled eggs mixed with tofu and chicory, perfect for those of you who don't have time to cook but want to serve a special and delicious menu for the family. In addition to how to make it easy, the recipe is also simple. Let's look at the recipe and how to make scrambled eggs mixed with tofu and chicory which are delicious, simple and healthy below.

Also read: Recipes and How to Make Sauteed Vegetable Meat

Recipes and How to Make Scrambled Eggs Mixed Tofu and White Chillies that are Simple, Delicious and Healthy

Main Course
Indonesian cuisine
Keywords healthy food, processed eggs, healthy food recipes
Preparation Time 20 minutes
Cooking Time 45 minutes
3 serving
Calories 148.4 kcal


Main Ingredients Needed

  • 3 eggs _
  • 150 grams of white tofu
  • 1 head of chicory
  • enough oil

Required Seasoning

  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 2 red chilies
  • 1 clove of onion
  • Sugar to taste
  • Salt to taste


How to Prepare Ingredients

  1. Before making a dish of scrambled eggs mixed with tofu and chicory, the first step that must be done is to prepare the ingredients in advance. First, please take out what you have provided. Then cut into cubes. You can cut it to the size you like, but make sure it's not too big. After that, please heat the oil to taste. When it's hot, add the tofu and fry the tofu for a while. If so, lift and drain first.

  2. The next step, please heat enough cooking oil to make scrambled eggs. Then after hot, you can add eggs and cook scrambled. Once cooked, remove and drain.

  3. Then please cut the white mustard that has been provided. Then you can wash it clean. Drain.

  4. After that, please thinly slice the garlic and slice the onion lengthwise.

  5. For red chili, please also slice to the size according to taste.

How to Make Scrambled Eggs Mixed Tofu and Chilli

  1. Please heat enough cooking oil in a frying pan. Once hot, please enter the sliced ​​​​garlic, onions and red chilies. Stir well and stir fry until fragrant.

  2. The next step, please enter the chicory that you have washed clean. Stir briefly and cook until the mustard is wilted.

  3. Then take the tofu that has been fried, then put it in the pan. Mix well.

  4. Next, enter the scrambled eggs that you have made. Stir again until evenly mixed with all ingredients.

  5. Add the spices you have provided such as salt, pepper powder and sugar. Stir well until the spices are dissolved.

  6. Cook until all ingredients are cooked and the spices are absorbed. Then you can correct the taste and if something is missing please add seasoning according to taste.

  7. If all the ingredients are cooked and the taste is right, you can immediately lift the dish of scrambled eggs mixed with tofu and mustard greens, then serve it in the serving container that was previously provided.

See also: Chicken Dumpling Soup Recipe

Serving scrambled eggs mixed with white tofu and mustard greens is finished. Enjoy while warm with a plate of warm rice to make it more delicious. You can make this simple dish if you are lazy to cook a complicated menu. Well, if you like spicy food you can add more chili. In addition, you can also add a variety of other vegetables, for example carrots to make this dish more healthy and nutritious.

Also Read Recipes and How to Make Sauteed Vegetable Meat, Practical and Healthy Menu

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