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Recipes And How To Make Soft And Delicious Goat Opor

There are so many dishes made from goat, namely mutton curry, mutton satay, goat opor dish etc.

This dish is very suitable to be served either as a meal alone, or for a large family dinner when welcoming certain events.

Instead of buying this dish at a restaurant or restaurant, it would be better if you were able to serve it yourself. What is the recipe for making a soft and delicious goat opor dish? Come on, let's look at the following recipe. (See also: Various recipes for beef curry)

recipes and how to make soft and delicious goat opor

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Soft and Delicious Goat Opor
4.8 89


Cooking Time

Preparation: 25 minutes

Cooking: 35 minutes

Total: 60 minutes

Number of Servings

8 Servings

Ingredients Required To Make Soft And Delicious Goat Opor

Main Ingredients for Making Goat Opor:

  • 500 grams of goat meat
  • 1.5 ml coconut milk
  • 1 cm galangal, bruised
  • 250 grams of potatoes, cut into 2
  • 1 tbsp tamarind water
  • 200 grams of pineapple, cut into triangles
  • right amount of oil

Smoothed Goat Opor Seasoning:

  • 10 red onions
  • 1 tsp cooked shrimp paste
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 1 tsp coriander
  • 1 tbsp salt

How to Make Soft and Delicious Goat Opor

How to Process Goat Meat Before Seasoning:

  1. The first thing that can be done first in this recipe is to process the goat meat before we cook it and give it seasoning. The first step to processing the meat I do is to cut the mutton into lengthwise and thinner widths. This is because I want my meat opor dish to have a softer texture faster. If you cut the meat too thick, it is feared that the cooked meat will be more difficult to cook evenly.
  2. After the meat is cut into pieces, now put the meat in a container and take it to the laundry.
  3. Wash the meat using clean running water and make sure if the dirt and germs that are present or attached to the meat can be cleaned properly.
  4. After washing, remove the meat from the laundry and drain the water. Washing alone will not be enough to get rid of the fishy smell that sticks to the meat, for that please apply lime juice to the meat and knead so that the meat is covered with lime juice.
  5. And give a sprinkling of salt and pepper a little to add flavor and leave the meat for a while so that the spices seep into it.

Also Read Recipes for Spicy Beef Curry Recipes for Eid that are Practical and Delicious

How to Cook Mutton Opor Seasoning:

  1. First, fry the potatoes until half cooked in a frying pan that has been given oil.
  2. After the potatoes are slightly cooked, remove from the frying pan and drain the oil that is still pooling on the fries. And set it aside for a while.
  3. Prepare a frying pan, give a little oil or margarine that has been prepared, wait until hot and add the ground spices. Stir with a spatula, stir-fry until the spices release a delicious aroma.
  4. Enter the meat that has been seasoned with salt and pepper, stir until the meat changes color to brown and the texture becomes stiffer.
  5. Add the chopped pineapple along with coconut milk and cook until the meat becomes softer and cooks evenly.
  6. Then add the fried potatoes and tamarind water, cook for a while until the spices seep into the meat.

When the meat is cooked, now remove the meat from the stew and serve it on a serving plate, add a sprinkling of fried onions on top to make it taste more delicious and more delicious.

Thus the recipe for making a delicious and delicious dish of goat meat opor, hopefully this recipe can be practiced at home easily and practically. Also read: Goat Tongseng Recipe

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