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Recipes And How To Make Savory Cue Fish Pepes

Pepes fish is indeed one of the dishes that has the characteristic smell of a delicious and distinctive pungent aroma from burning banana leaves that emit a fragrant aroma.

There are so many different kinds of dishes, whether they are processed from meat, then fish, then vegetables and many more. However, it is undeniable that fish dishes are one of the most popular dishes, both seawater fish and freshwater fish. What we will try to peel in this article is a dish with the basic ingredients of sea fish, namely cue fish. Cue fish is one of the fish that can be consumed because cue fish has delicious meat and has a lot of nutritional and nutritional content. Cue fish contain high protein, then there are omega 3, calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc.

Cue fish is also very suitable to complement your daily nutrition, so it's a good idea to try this cue fish by yourself at home. To get this cue fish is not difficult because it is widely available in traditional markets and the price is very affordable. Alright, here's the recipe and how to make cue fish paste, let's look at the steps below.

recipes and how to make savory cue fish pepes

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Savory Cue Fish Pepes

4.9 321

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

6 Servings

Ingredients needed to make Savory Cue Fish Pepes

Ingredients and seasoning

  • 6 medium-sized fresh pindang cue fish
  • 50 ml thick coconut milk
  • 5 bay leaves, cut into pieces
  • 3 lemongrass stalks, sliced
  • 50 grams of basil leaves
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • enough banana leaves

Also Read Recipes for Making Soft and Delicious Tofu Beef Pepes

Subtle Seasoning Ingredients

  • 6 red onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 6 red chilies, roasted
  • 2 pieces of red chili
  • 5 candlenuts, roasted

How to Make Savory Cue Fish Pepes

How to cook

  1. The first is to clean the pindang cue fish, remove the contents of the stomach, then wash it thoroughly.
  2. After that prepare the ingredients, mix all the ingredients except lemongrass and salam. Then set aside.
  3. Then prepare the banana leaves, then put some parts such as bay leaves, lemongrass and basil, then put the cue fish one, then add the mixture of spices, after everything is mixed then wrap it. Do the same thing until the fish and batter run out.
  4. Then prepare a steamer, then steam the pepes for about 45 minutes using medium heat. Cook until done. Lift
  5. After that, prepare the burner, either using direct coals or using a grill on the stove fire. Then the Pepes Cue fish that have been in the Pepes are baked until the banana leaf color is brown and looks burnt. Ripe
  6. Remove and ready to serve.

That's about the recipe and how to make Savory Cue Fish Pepes, which of course you can apply yourself at home. The delicious and dank aroma of this cue fish paste dish will certainly increase your appetite. Serve this cue fish paste dish on your dining table with warm white rice added, then added with chili sauce which of course is adjusted to your family's appetite. Hopefully useful and good luck!

Don't forget to share the Savory Cue Fish Pepes to all your friends and relatives wherever they are, and don't forget to leave a comment in the column below, thank you.

Also read the Recipe for Making Pepes Catfish with Yellow Basil Seasoning Savory and Delicious

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