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Recipes And How To Make Delicious And Easy Japanese-style Cold Soba

One of the famous Japanese noodles is buckwheat, cold buckwheat is a delicious dish. Now you can easily try it at home.

Before processing buckwheat noodles into a delicious and easy dish. Instant buckwheat must be boiled first. Here are some types of buckwheat that you should know, including the type of fresh buckwheat, namely buckwheat made directly. The buckwheat noodles are cut into pieces and then sprinkled with flour to prevent sticking and put in a plastic bag. Next is dry buckwheat, buckwheat which is mostly sold in plastic bags.

Then boiled buckwheat, packaged buckwheat which is generally mixed with spices. Meanwhile, instant buckwheat before eating is just brewed like instant noodles. Finally, frozen buckwheat, frozen buckwheat and sold as frozen food in supermarkets.

In addition to the types of soba that you can try, several other soba preparations are hot soba soup, fried soba and cold soba. This time we will invite you to make cold buckwheat, to make cold buckwheat the way is to dip it first in a sauce called soba tsuyu. The way to eat soba is called tsukemen and grated ginger, radish, wasabi are then added with sauce as a flavoring.

This is how to make Japanese-style cold soba that is delicious and easy to practice at home for your beloved family, good luck.

recipes and how to make delicious and easy japanese-style cold soba

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Delicious and Easy Japanese-Style Cold Soba

4.9 175

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

4 Servings

Recipe Ingredients and How to Make Delicious and Easy Japanese-Style Chilled Soba

Main Ingredients of Japanese-Style Cold Soba

  • 250 grams of Soba Noodles
  • 1000 ml Water

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Japanese-Style Chilled Buckwheat Seasoning Ingredients

  • Nori (if you like) / as you wish
  • 3 tablespoons Shoyu
  • 3 tablespoons Sugar
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice (as a substitute for mirin)
  • Hondashi a little
  • 300-400 cc of Water 

How to Cook Recipes and How to Make Delicious and Easy Japanese-Style Cold Soba

  1. The first step is to boil water until it boils
  2. Then buckwheat noodles and boil for 5-6 minutes according to the package directions
  3. Then remove the noodles, transfer and drain, flush with cold water
  4. How to Make Japanese-Style Cold Soba
  5. The first step is to boil water until it boils
  6. Add shoyu, sugar, lime juice and then Hondashi. Adjust the taste can be adjusted to taste
  7. To serve, first soak the noodles in the sauce and sprinkle with nori
  8. Best eaten when the weather is hot together with your beloved family
  9. Cold soba or cold noodles are best served as a lunch menu with the family. To add to the flavor of cold buckwheat, the topping can be adjusted according to family favorites.

 After reading the buckwheat recipe above, you can share it with friends and family via social media accounts. Meanwhile, for those of you who want to try to share experiences with friends, you can also leave comments in the column that is already available. You can also try other recipes on our website, Japanese-style soba soup, spicy soba sauce, fried soba, shrimp fried soba, seafood fried soba and cold soba. Good luck making buckwheat at home. 

Categories of Soba Noodle Recipes

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