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Effective And Easy Tips For Cleaning Burnt Eggs Sticking To The Frying Pan

Eggs are a cooking ingredient that is liked by many people, in addition to containing many nutrients, eggs can also be processed into a delicious and delicious menu.

Many processed dishes are produced from eggs, such as egg stews, omelettes, fried eggs and so on. Among the many processed eggs, fried eggs or fried eggs are the simplest menus that can be made. Making fried eggs for breakfast or a meal menu is indeed an easy job. However, even so, sometimes you get burnt when frying, which will result in residual scorch in the pan.

Scorched eggs will usually be quite difficult to clean even if you use dishwashing liquid. However, if you clean it using the right tips or method, your pan will be clean again as usual.

Well, here are tips for cleaning the pan from charred eggs.

effective and easy tips for cleaning burnt eggs sticking to the frying pan

Effective and Easy Tips for Cleaning Scrambled Eggs Sticking to the Frying Pan

Take advantage of hot water and dishwashing liquid

  1. The first thing you have to do when you want to clean the burnt eggs is, pour enough water on the pan until all parts are burnt because the eggs are covered. Then add just enough dish soap.
  2. If you have, save or place a pan that has been filled with water and mixed with dish soap on the stove. Then turn on the stove over high heat until the water boils. When it boils, reduce the heat to medium. Let stand again until the water boils for about 10 minutes. At that time you have to be careful not to let the water in the pan run out. While the water in the pan is boiling, scrape the bottom or bottom of the pan with a spatula to remove any remaining charred eggs.
  3. If so, you can immediately lift the pan from the stove. Then discard the remaining water, soap and remaining eggs in the pan. Then, wash the pan using a soft sponge previously pre-treated with soap and water.

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Take advantage of white vinegar

In addition to the tips above, you can also use other tips. Where you can use white vinegar to remove scorched eggs. The method is quite easy, prepare 1/2 cup of white vinegar into the pan that you are going to clean. Then add hot water until the part of the pan with the remaining charred eggs is submerged. Leave it for about 10 minutes. If so, clean the pan using soap and water. Besides being able to clean the pan, white vinegar is also useful for getting rid of the smell of scorched eggs.

Pasta from baking soda

If there are still oil stains left on the pan from the eggs, then you can make a paste of baking soda. Prepare just enough baking soda, then add enough water, then stir until evenly distributed. Apply the mixture to the pan using a sponge. After that, let stand or leave until the paste dries. If it dries, you can immediately wash it using warm water, use a rough sponge to scrub the pan so that any remaining charred eggs are completely gone.

That's tips to clean the remaining charred eggs in the pan. Easy and simple right? Good luck and hopefully useful.

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