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Delicious Boy Bread Recipe

Roti Boy Recipe that is Delicious, Economical and Fail -proof – This bread dish was originally popularized by a bakery from Malaysia, namely Rotiboy. This bread is popular to foreign countries, including Indonesia. This bread has a delicious taste, the combination of the salty taste of butter, sweetness of sugar and bitterness of coffee will spoil the tongue. This snack will taste even more delicious if served directly while warm.

To enjoy this delicious snack, you can try to make it yourself at home. Because how to make it easy to follow with recipes that are easy to find. Let's look at various recipes for delicious, economical and fail-safe Boy bread below.

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Delicious Boy Bread Recipe

Roti boy is made by mixing various ingredients for dough such as flour, sugar, yeast, eggs, milk powder and water. Then the dough is kneaded until smooth. Shaped round and inside is given butter filling. Then baked in the oven until cooked.

Snack _
Indonesian cuisine
Keywords various bread recipes, bread recipes, Bread
Preparation Time 15 minutes
Cooking Time 2 hours
Serving 10 pieces
Calories 424 kcal


Materials needed

  • 200 grams of high protein flour
  • 50 grams of medium protein flour
  • 10 grams of powdered milk
  • 6 grams of instant yeast
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 3 grams of salt
  • 3 grams bread improver
  • 1 egg _
  • 100 ml liquid milk
  • 45 grams of butter

Topping Ingredients

  • 75 grams of butter
  • 25 grams of margarine
  • 50 grams of brown sugar
  • 90 grams egg white
  • 100 grams of wheat flour
  • 3 grams of coffee powder, please dissolve it with 1 tablespoon of water
  • 5 grams of moch paste


  • Pieces of butter, please store in the refrigerator until you use it


How to Make Bread Topping

  1. The first step, please mix the topping ingredients such as margarine, butter, brown sugar and salt. Then beat the ingredients using a mixer on medium speed until evenly distributed.

  2. Next, please pour the egg whites while continuing to beat using a mixer until evenly distributed.

  3. Then please slow down the mixer. Then enter the ingredients such as wheat flour, mocha paste and coffee concentrated solution. Stir all ingredients until evenly mixed.

  4. Please put this topping mixture into a plastic triangle. If so, set it aside.

How to Make Boy's Bread

  1. If the toppings have been made, the next step is to make bread. Please prepare a container that will be used to make bread dough. Then enter the ingredients into it such as milk powder, flour, yeast and sugar. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.

  2. Next, please add the eggs. Stir until evenly distributed and the flour mixture is not lumpy.

  3. The next step, please slowly pour the liquid milk into the dough while continuing to knead until it is smooth or the dough does not stick to your hands.

  4. Add salt and butter. Please knead the dough again until it is completely smooth and elastic.

  5. The dough that you have made, please round it into one dough. Then let stand for about 5 minutes.

  6. Take the pan. Then apply a thin layer of margarine.

  7. Next, please divide the dough into 50 grams. Then round again and let stand for about 10 minutes.

  8. 1 dough ball please take, then roll and flatten. Please fill the dough with pieces of butter. Cover and round again until the surface is even and smooth. Do this step until all the dough is used up.

  9. Round dough please put on the baking sheet. Don't keep the dough too close together. Place it with a given distance because later the dough will expand.

  10. Please cover the pan with plastic wrap or you can use a clean napkin. Then let stand for about 45 to 60 minutes so that the dough has doubled in size.

  11. Take the topping that has been put in a plastic triangle. Cut the bottom.

  12. Please add the dough to the tin and add the toppings in a circle like a mosquito repellent, starting from the middle to the outside.

  13. After that, please bake the dough that has been topped with a temperature of 170 to 180 degrees Celsius for approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

  14. Once cooked, please remove and let stand a while to cool.

  15. Finally, you can serve it in a serving place.

Recipe Notes

Bread boy is done. It tastes good with a soft texture that will spoil the tongue. Now you can make this boy's bread dish at home with the recipe we presented above.

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