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Delicious Tiramisu Cake Recipe

Delicious Tiramisu Cake Recipe – Are you a sweet lover? Let's make a delicious tiramisu cake at home. You can also use this recipe as a selling idea to increase your income. Curious about the recipe and how to make it? Let's look at the following.

See also: Cake Tape Recipe Soft Raisin Toping

Delicious Tiramisu Cake Recipe

Tiramisu cake, consisting of several layers. The first layer is cake, then vla and cake again. After that it is frozen and given a toping in the form of cocoa powder.

Dessert _
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword Various desserts, Desserts, Dessert recipes
Preparation Time 15 minutes
Cooking Time 1 hour 45 minutes
3 serving
Calories 231 kcal


Cake Ingredients Needed

  • 3 eggs _
  • 30 grams of margarine
  • 75 grams of medium protein flour
  • 1 tsp emulsifier
  • 60 grams of sugar

Ingredients For Vla Cream

  • 250 ml liquid milk
  • 50 grams of grated cheddar cheese
  • 100 ml ice water
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder for sprinkling
  • 20 grams of cornstarch
  • 20 grams of sugar

Coffee Solution Bahan

  • 1/2 tablespoon instant coffee
  • Cocoa powder for sprinkling
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 100 ml boiling water

Topping Material

  • 150 grams of ice water
  • 75 grams of cream powder


How to Make a Cake

  1. After all the ingredients are ready, now you can immediately make the cake. The first way, please shake the cake ingredients such as sugar, eggs and emulsifier. Beat all the ingredients until fluffy.

  2. Then add the flour while sifting and stirring until evenly distributed.

  3. After that, add the melted margarine little by little while stirring slowly.

  4. Next prepare a baking sheet measuring 20x20x4 cm. Please pour the dough into the pan which has been previously smeared with margarine and lined with parchment paper.

  5. Preheat the oven. Then bake the dough in a baking dish for about 20 minutes using a temperature of 190 degrees Celsius until it is completely cooked.

  6. When it is cooked, please remove the cake from the tin. Wait until it cools down a bit.

  7. Cut the cake in half and cut into rounds with 8 cm diameter rings. If so, set it aside.

How to Make Cream

  1. After the cake is finished, the next step is to make the cream. Please whipped cream powder with ice water until fluffy. If so, chill in the refrigerator.

  2. Prepare a small saucepan and put the ingredients into it such as sugar and liquid milk. Boil while stirring until it boils.

  3. Add the shredded cheddar cheese. Stir evenly.

  4. Please dissolve the cornstarch using 2 tablespoons of water. Stir evenly.

  5. Thicken cream dough using cornstarch solution. Stir well and cook until bubbling. If it's like that, please lift it.

  6. Pour the boiled liquid milk into the whipped cream while the mixture is slowly whipped.

  7. Please take a piece of cake. Then you can put it in a ring that has been previously coated with mica. Then flush using a coffee solution.

  8. On top of the cake pour the vla. Then cover with another cake. Then flush again using a coffee solution. If so, please freeze.

  9. Then you can serve it along with a sprinkling of cocoa powder on top.

Recipe Notes

Tiramisu cake is done. You can make this dish for a family snack. Good luck with the recipe above.

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