Special Recipes And How To Make Stir-fried Long Bean Sprouts A Delicious And Delicious Serve For The Family
One type of vegetable that is widely available in the market and has a fairly economical price is bean sprouts.
This one vegetable has a number of nutritional advantages, behind its small shape and crunchy texture, this bean sprout is one of the most widely believed to be a source of fertility. So that it is not wrong that many couples end up consuming bean sprouts so that they are more fertile and have children quickly.
Apart from these advantages, the unique taste and texture of bean sprouts is also an attraction, the enjoyment of the taste after being processed and combined with spices is not inferior to other vegetables. Therefore, here we try to give a recipe guide for making a recipe made from bean sprouts called stir-fried long bean sprouts. This dish tries to present a combination of stir-fried bean sprouts with long beans in it. Curious to try it? Please refer to the recipe below.
Recipe Name
Cooking Time
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Number of Servings
2 persons
Ingredients and seasoning for a delicious and steady dish of Long Bean Sprouts
Ingredients and Seasoning
- 100 grams of large, fresh soy bean sprouts
- 1 lemongrass stalk, white part, thinly sliced
- 10 long long beans, chopped
- 3 red onions, thinly sliced
- 2 red chilies, thinly sliced
- Right amount of oil
- 1 egg, beaten
- teaspoon sugar
- 200 ml coconut milk
- teaspoon salt
Softened seasoning
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1 segment of turmeric, burn
Steps to Make a Serving of Stir-fried Long Bean Sprouts You Must Follow
Processing Step
- Puree the spices in a blender until completely smooth.
- Heat the oil in your frying pan, after it is hot you use it to sauté several ingredients including lemongrass, red chilies, shallots and spices that have been mashed.
- Saute the ingredients until you can smell the aroma of the food.
- After that, enter the egg and then the scrambled.
- Only after that you enter the bean sprouts along with long beans into your cooking pan. Cook until the ingredients are wilted.
- Slowly pour the coconut milk into the cooking pan followed by adding salt and sugar. Continue cooking until the ingredients soak into your dish.
- Taste your cooking, if it's still not enough, you can add more flavor as needed.
- After you turn off the heat, then continue by lifting the dish onto a serving plate.
- Arrange in such a way to be beautiful and arouse your appetite.
This long bean sprout dish is so very special and you can present it on the dinner table as a special menu that should not be missed. With the pleasure it has, this menu is able to provide an appetizing taste and make people want to try it again.
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