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Recipes And How To Cook Delicious And Fresh Spicy Siamese Pumpkin Vegetables

Spicy cuisine is a dish that has its own charm, even spicy-tasting dishes are always being hunted by many people.

Well, talking about spicy dishes we here have a spicy chayote vegetable recipe that we will present to all of you. This spicy Siamese pumpkin vegetable is very suitable to accompany your lunch because its spicy taste will make you fresh when you eat it in hot weather. The taste is delicious and delicious will make you addicted, therefore you must try this one vegetable by cooking it yourself at home.

The simple cooking process and easy-to-find ingredients won't give you any trouble. And below is a recipe and how to cook spicy chayote vegetables that are delicious and fresh.

recipes and how to cook delicious and fresh spicy siamese pumpkin vegetables

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Cook Delicious and Fresh Spicy Siamese Pumpkin Vegetables

4.7 168

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

6 Servings

Ingredients and Seasonings for Cooking Delicious and Fresh Spicy Chayote Vegetables

The Main Ingredients for Spicy Chayote Vegetables

  • 250 grams of chayote
  • 25 grams of melinjo leaves
  • 25 grams of rebon
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 cm galangal
  • 1 red tomato
  • Cooking oil for frying
  • 1000 ml water

Spicy Siamese Pumpkin Vegetable Seasoning

  • 1/2 teaspoon chicken stock powder
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar

Spicy Siamese Pumpkin Vegetable Smooth Seasoning

  • 6 red onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 large red chilies
  • 8 pieces of red chili

How to Make/Cook Spicy Siamese Pumpkin Vegetables that are Delicious and Fresh

How to Prepare Spicy Siamese Pumpkin Vegetable Ingredients and Seasonings

  1. If you have prepared the ingredients and spices needed, then you can process the ingredients and spices before cooking. Where the first step you have to do is, first peel the Siamese labi that you have prepared. Then cut into matchsticks.
  2. Next, fry the rebon that you have prepared.
  3. Chop the tomatoes and crush the galangal.
  4. Then puree the spices that you have prepared as above.

Also read the recipe and how to make sauteed papaya flowers mixed with smoked cobs that are delicious and savory

How to Make/Cook Spicy Siamese Pumpkin Vegetables

  1. Setelah anda menyiapkan semua bahan dan bumbu seperti di atas, maka anda bisa langsung memasaknya. Langkah pertama yaitu panaskan minyak goreng dengan takaran sesuai yang telah ditentukan. Lalu masukan bumbu halus, lengkuas dan daun salam ke dalam minyak yang telah panas. Tumis semuanya hingga mengeluarkan aroma dan tercium harum.
  2. Setelah tercium harum, ambil air yang telah disiapkan. Lalu tuangkan air tersebut ke dalam tumisan bumbu, diamkan air hingga mendidih.
  3. Jika sudah mendidih, anda bisa langsung memasukan labu siam dan tomat. Lalu aduk sampai merata.
  4. Kemudian, tambahkan kaldu ayam bubuk, merica bubuk, garam dan gula pasir. Aduk sampai merata hingga bumbu-bumbu tersebut larut dan air mendidih kembali.
  5. Next, add the rebon and melinjo leaves. Stir until evenly distributed and cook until all ingredients are completely cooked. If it is cooked you can immediately serve it on the dining table.

This spicy chayote vegetable is suitable to be served warm as a complementary menu to your meal. That's the recipe and how to cook spicy chayote vegetables that are delicious and fresh. Hopefully useful and hopefully your recipe collection continues to grow.

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