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Recipe For Special And Delicious Rica-rica Chicken

Recipe for Special and Delicious Chicken Rica-Rica - The enjoyment of chicken rica-rica certainly cannot be doubted. The rich seasoning combined with the tender chicken will really spoil the tongue. For those of you who are bored with the same chicken dishes, you can make chicken rica-rica for your family at home. (Also read: Fried Chicken Recipe)

There are several recipes for chicken rica-rica that you can try. On this occasion, we present a variety of rica-rica chicken recipes that you can make easily. There are simple chicken rica-rica recipes, sweet spicy chicken rica-rica recipes, basil chicken rica-rica recipes, Manado typical chicken rica-rica recipes and so on. To find out the recipe and how to make it, you can refer to the discussion below.

Recipe for Special and Delicious Chicken Rica-Rica

Recipes and How to Make Simple Rica-Rica Chicken

Preparation Time 1 hour
Cooking Time 45 minutes
7 . serving
Calories 167 kcal


Main Ingredients Required

  • 1 chicken _
  • 5 lime leaves
  • 2 lemongrass stalks
  • 300 ml water
  • Salt
    to taste
  • 2 tomatoes _

  • enough cooking oil
  • Sugar to

Required Subtle Seasoning

  • 10 pieces of red chili
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon shrimp paste
  • 4 pieces of red chili
  • 6 curly red chilies
  • 8 red onions


How to Prepare the Materials Needed

  1. The first step you have to do is prepare the ingredients. Please take the chicken that you have provided. Then you can cut it into 12 parts. If you have, clean of mucus and dirt that is still attached. Set aside first.

  2. After that, crush the lemongrass and discard the bone part of the lime leaves.

  3. If you have, you can cut the tomatoes into several parts.

  4. Next please puree the spices as provided. Puree with a blender to make it more practical.

How to Make a Special and Delicious Rica-Rica Chicken

  1. Take the chicken that you cut into pieces earlier. Then the chicken is covered with 1/2 teaspoon of salt along with 1 teaspoon of lime juice. Then let stand for about 15 minutes.

  2. After that, please provide a frying pan and pour just enough cooking oil. Heat the cooking oil until it is bubbling.

  3. After the cooking oil is hot, you can fry the chicken until it is cooked and skinned. After that, please lift and drain.

  4. Reheat the cooking oil for frying. If the cooking oil is hot, please add the spices that have been mashed together with the lime leaves and lemongrass. Stir well and saute until fragrant.

  5. Then add the fried chicken. Stir well until the chicken changes color.

  6. Next, add the tomatoes and other spices such as sugar and salt. Stir again until the tomatoes are wilted and the spices are dissolved.

  7. Next, enter the water according to the predetermined dose little by little while stirring. Then cook until all the ingredients are cooked and the spices are absorbed.

  8. If it's like that you can lift and serve it in the serving place that has been provided.

Rica-rica chicken is done. The taste is delicious and delicious will spoil the tongue. You can enjoy it with a plate of warm rice and other additional menus.

Recipes and How to Make Delicious Basil Rica-Rica Chicken

recipe for special and delicious rica-rica chicken

Ingredients Needed To Make Chicken Rica-Rica Basil

  • 500 grams of chicken
  • 1 tomato
  • 2 lime leaves
  • 2 lemongrass stalks
  • 2 segments of galangal
  • Salt to taste
  • Adequate flavoring
  • 2 bunches of basil
  • 2 cm ginger
  • 2 bay leaves
  • Sugar to taste
  • Right amount of oil
  • Enough water

Softened seasoning

  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 6 cloves of red onion
  • 2 cm turmeric
  • 6 to 10 red chilies or according to taste
  • 5 curly red chilies
  • 1/2 teaspoon coriander powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper powder

How to Prepare Ingredients

  1. First of all, please cut the chicken that you have provided. Then you can clean the chicken under running water from the dirt and mucus that is still attached. After that, coat the chicken with lime juice so that the fishy smell disappears. If so, set it aside first.
  2. Next, weed the basil leaves. Then thinly slice the tomatoes.
  3. Then geprek galangal, lemongrass and ginger.
  4. Puree the spices as mentioned above. Puree using a blender to make it easier.

How to Make Chicken Rica-Rica Basil

  1. Please provide a frying pan. Then pour about 2 tablespoons of cooking oil and heat it. After the cooking oil is hot, add the spices that you have mashed. Stir-fry the spices until fragrant.
  2. Next, add other spices such as bay leaves, tomatoes, lime leaves, ginger and lemongrass. Stir until evenly distributed.
  3. Then add the chicken. Stir until evenly distributed until the spices that have been sauteed earlier are evenly mixed with the meat.
  4. After that add water until the chicken is submerged. Stir again until smooth.
  5. Add other spices such as sugar, salt and flavoring. Stir well until the spices are dissolved.
  6. Cook again until the gravy has reduced, and the chicken is tender and cooked.
  7. Before you remove the chicken meat, add the basil leaves that you have prepared earlier. Then stir until evenly distributed and the basil leaves become wilted.

Once cooked you can lift and serve it in a serving place. Enjoy while warm with warm rice to make it more special.

Recipes and How to Make Sweet Spicy Rica-Rica Chicken

recipe for special and delicious rica-rica chicken

Materials needed

  • 1/2 kg of country chicken
  • 2 bay leaves
  • Brown sugar to taste
  • 3 lemongrass stalks
  • enough soy sauce
  • 4 lime leaves
  • Salt to taste
  • 500 ml water
  • 1 onion
  • Sugar to taste
  • 5 cm ginger
  • Right amount of oil
  • Adequate flavoring

Softened seasoning

  • 6 cloves of red onion
  • 1 cm kencur
  • 4 red chilies
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 3 hazelnuts
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • Cayenne pepper to taste

How to Prepare the Materials Needed

  1. First of all, please cut the chicken that you have provided into several parts. Then wash the chicken until clean. Clean the chicken from dirt and mucus that is still attached.
  2. Coat the chicken with the lime juice along with the salt. Then let it rest for about 15 minutes.
  3. Next, please chop the onions.
  4. Then crush the ginger and lemongrass.
  5. Discard the bones of the lime leaves.
  6. Boil cayenne pepper and red chili. Then you can smooth it with some other fine spices.

Also Read Various Soto Chicken Recipes, Fresh and Delicious Soup Sauces

How to Make Sweet Spicy Rica-Rica Chicken

  1. Please take a frying pan and pour enough cooking oil, then heat it. After the cooking oil is hot, add the spices that have been mashed. Saute until fragrant.
  2. Next, add the onions, salam, ginger, lime leaves and lemongrass. Stir well until wilted and fragrant.
  3. If it's like that, pour water with a predetermined amount. Stir evenly.
  4. Enter the brown sugar that you have combed. Stir again until the sugar is dissolved.
  5. After that, add salt, sugar, flavoring and soy sauce. Stir until evenly distributed and the spices are dissolved.
  6. Then add the chicken that you cleaned earlier. Stir until the spices are absorbed.
  7. Cook until the meat is cooked and tender, and the water has reduced. Then you can correct the taste.
  8. After all the spices are right and the chicken is cooked, you can lift it and serve it in a serving dish.

Sweet and spicy chicken rica-rica is finished. If you feel less spicy, you can add red chili and cayenne pepper according to taste.

Recipes and How to Make Chicken Rica-Rica Typical Manado

recipe for special and delicious rica-rica chicken

Ingredients Needed To Make Chicken Rica-Rica

  • 1/2 kg of chicken
  • 4 cm galangal
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 lemongrass stalks
  • 3 cm ginger
  • Sugar to taste
  • Chicken stock powder to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper powder to taste
  • Right amount of oil
  • 2 lime leaves

Softened seasoning

  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 4 pecans
  • 10 pieces of cayenne pepper
  • 7 cloves of red onion
  • 6 large red chilies

How to Prepare Ingredients

  1. First of all, please cut the chicken meat that you have provided. Cut to size according to taste. If so, clean the chicken from mucus and dirt that is still attached.
  2. Next please crush the ginger, galangal and lemongrass.
  3. Puree the ground spices that have been provided as mentioned above.

How to Make Manado Typical Rica-Rica Chicken

  1. Please heat the cooking oil about 2 tablespoons. When the cooking oil is hot, add the ground spices. Saute the spices until fragrant.
  2. Then add other spices such as sugar, salt and pepper powder. Stir well until the spices are dissolved.
  3. If so, please add water with a dose of 200 ml. Mix well.
  4. Then add galangal, lemongrass and ginger. Stir well and cook until the gravy boils.
  5. Next, add the cleaned chicken. Stir again until smooth.
  6. Cook until the meat is cooked and the gravy is reduced, and the spices are absorbed.
  7. Then add the chicken stock powder, along with the bay leaf and lime leaves. Stir until evenly distributed.
  8. You can correct the taste. If something is missing, you can add it according to your taste.
  9. After the chicken is completely cooked, you can lift it and serve it in the serving place provided.

Serve for your beloved family's meal menu. The delicious taste will certainly increase the appetite.

Recipes and How to Make Rica-Rica Chicken with Savory Sauce

recipe for special and delicious rica-rica chicken

Materials needed

  • 1 kg of chicken
  • 4 pieces of cayenne pepper
  • 8 curly red chilies
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 3 lime leaves
  • 1 piece of ginger
  • 1 lemongrass stalk
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • Enough chicken broth

Softened seasoning

  • 7 red onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • Cayenne pepper to taste
  • Red chili according to taste
  • Salt to taste

Also Read Pepes Chicken Recipe, Nutritious Menu Options For Lunch

How to Prepare Ingredients

  1. The first step you have to do is cut the chicken that you have provided. Cut the chicken into pieces according to taste. After that, coat the chicken with lime juice and salt. Leave it for 20 minutes. Then you can wash the chicken until clean.
  2. Next, slice the tomatoes. Then crush the lemongrass and grate the ginger.
  3. Puree all the ground spices as mentioned above. To make it easier you can grind the spices with a blender.

How to Make Chicken Rica-Rica Sauce

  1. Take a frying pan that will be used for cooking. Then pour enough cooking oil. Heat.
  2. If the cooking oil is hot, please add the spices that have been mashed with grated ginger. Stir until fragrant.
  3. Add other ingredients such as lime leaves, lemongrass, and tomatoes. Mix well.
  4. Add some spices such as sugar and salt. Stir well until the spices are dissolved.
  5. Add chicken. Stir evenly.
  6. Then add the broth little by little. Stir well and cook until the chicken is tender and cooked
  7. Once cooked, you can lift it and serve it in a serving place that has been provided along with the sauce.

Chicken rica-rica gravy is ready to be enjoyed. Enjoy with warm rice and other additional side dishes to make it even more delicious.

Recipes and How to Make Chicken Wings Rica-Rica

recipe for special and delicious rica-rica chicken

Materials needed

  • 6 pieces of chicken wings
  • 1 teaspoon lime juice
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 lime leaves
  • Salt to taste
  • 250 ml water
  • 2 batang serai
  • 1 batang daun bawang kecil
  • Minyak goreng secukupnya

Bumbu yang Diulek

  • 3 buah cabai keriting
  • 2 cm jahe
  • Garam secukupnya
  • 1 buah tomat
  • 3 siung bawang putih
  • 1/2 sendok makan gula pasir
  • 1/4 sdt merica bubuk
  • 5 butir bawang merah
  • 2 buah cabai rawit
  • 6 buah cabai merah besar

Cara Menyiapkan Bahan-Bahan

  1. Pertama-tama bersihkan sayap ayam yang sudah anda sediakan. Lalu potong menjadi dua bagian. Jika sudah, silakan lumuri sayap ayam dengan menggunakan air jeruk nipis dan garam. Diamkan selama kurang lebih 20 menit.
  2. Kemudian memarkan serai dan buang tulang daun jeruk.
  3. Setelah itu, potong-potong daun bawang dengan ketebalan sesuai selera.
  4. Ulek kasar beberapa bumbu ulek seperti  yang sudah dijelaskan di atas.

Cara Membuat Rica-Rica Sayap Ayam

  1. Silakan panaskan minyak goreng untuk menggoreng ayam. Apabila minyak sudah panas, goreng ayam hingga matang dan berkulit. Setelah seperti itu angkat dan tiriskan.
  2. Panaskan lagi minyak goreng untuk menumis bumbu kurang lebih 2 sendok makan. Setelah panas, masukan bumbu yang sudah anda ulek tadi bersama dengan serai, daun jeruk dan daun salam. Aduk merata hingga bumbu harum dan matang.
  3. Selanjutnya, silakan masukan ayam yang sudah digoreng. Lalu aduk hingga merata.
  4. Masukan air dengan takaran seperti yang sudah ditentukan sedikit demi sedikit. Aduk merata dan masak ayam hingga empuk, serta bumbunya meresap.
  5. Setelah seperti itu, anda bisa menambahkan irisan daun bawang. Aduk kembali hingga merata.
  6. Terakhir silakan angkat dan sajikan pada tempat saji yang sudah disediakan.

For those of you who like chicken wings but are bored with the same preparations, then you can try making chicken wings. With ingredients and spices that are easy to find, you can make your own at home easily. (See also: Geprek Chicken Recipe)

Those are some chicken rica-rica recipes that you can try to make at home for a more special meal menu. With a variety of chicken rica-rica recipes that we present, we hope to add to your collection of recipes, so you can serve different menus for your family at home. Good luck.

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