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Recipe For Savory Garlic Fried Belanak Fish

Want to try the mullet fish dish with a different taste, by frying it with garlic.

Fish dishes have always been a mainstay and favorite menu for culinary lovers. How come? Fish does have a delicious taste when eaten, both marine fish and freshwater fish both have their own advantages, so to consume them, adjust to your family's appetite. But have you ever tried seawater fish dishes, namely mullet. This mullet, which lives in tropical and sub-tropical areas, has a shape that is almost similar to milkfish, and this mullet also lives in groups. Although mullet is a unique fish, it turns out that this mullet is very suitable to be processed in any way, and is also very suitable to be seasoned with spices, according to your cooking tastes. Many things can be obtained from cooking this mullet, one of which is sweet and sour mullet,

Mullet fish is also very suitable for consumption, because this fish has good nutritional content for health. In addition, this mullet also has good nutritional content in the form of protein, omega 3, calcium, vitamins, etc. Well, for those of you who want to try cooking mullet, we will try to present a savory garlic fried mullet recipe, let's see the steps below.

recipe for savory garlic fried belanak fish

Recipe Name

Recipe for Savory Garlic Fried Belanak Fish

4.9 278

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

5 Servings

Ingredients needed to make Savory Garlic Fried Belanak Fish

The main ingredient

  • 5 fresh mullets
  • Right amount of oil

Also read the recipe and how to make spicy mullet fried chili sauce

Seasoning Ingredients

  • 2 pecans, sangria
  • 6 cloves of garlic, coarsely ground
  • 1 tsp coriander powder
  • tbsp tamarind water
  • 150 ml of water
  • 2 tsp salt

How to make Savory Garlic Fried Belanak Fish

How to cook

  1. The first thing to do is to clean the mullet, remove the contents of the stomach, then cut the body parts, then wash them thoroughly.
  2. After that, prepare the mullet in a container, then coat it with the marinade ingredients, stir evenly so that the marinade is absorbed, then let it rest for about 15 minutes.
  3. After that, prepare a frying pan and give enough cooking oil, then heat it over medium heat, then fry the mullet until dry and cooked.
  4. Remove and ready to serve.

That's the Recipe for a Savory Garlic Fried Belanak Fish Recipe that you can try to make yourself at home. For mullet itself, it is very easy to get because it is often found in traditional markets and even in supermarkets. This garlic-fried mullet fish is very suitable to be served with warm white rice with the addition of some foods, either fried tofu or fried tempeh, with the addition of chili paste and also fresh vegetables and crackers to make a family meal very special. By knowing the recipe and how to make this garlic-fried mullet, your collection of daily meals will increase, hopefully it will be useful and good luck.

Don't forget to share the Savory Garlic Fried Belanak Recipe for all your beloved family wherever they are, and don't forget to also comment in the column we have provided below, thank you.

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