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Delicious And Special Oseng-oseng / Sauteed Eel Recipe

Want stir-fried dishes with the basic ingredients of eel added with delicious spices, here are stir-fried / stir-fried eels.

Eels belong to the category of freshwater fish that live in mud, with a shape that is almost similar to a snake, besides that when held it will be very slippery because some mucus sticks to its body. This eel is very easy to find especially in rural areas, but for the city it is also commonly found in traditional markets and even in supermarkets. Eel is one type of fish that has a very high protein content, even very high compared to other fish. This protein is very good for health and for children both for intelligence and growth and development. Other content found in eels in the form of omega 3, vitamins, calcium, etc.

By knowing some of the content especially for health that is needed by the body, from now on it's a good idea to consume them. There are so many various dishes with the basic ingredients of this eel, both processed by frying, in Pepes and even stir-fried, this eel has a delicious and savory taste. However, the processing must be careful because it is feared that this eel is very thick with the smell of mud, it is better to clean the eel in the right and correct way. Well, this time we will try cooking eel by means of stir-fried / sauteed with additional ingredients in the form of vegetables, namely mustard greens, here's the Delicious and Special Oseng-Oseng / Stir-fried Eel Recipe, we refer to the steps below.

delicious and special oseng-oseng / sauteed eel recipe

Recipe Name

Delicious and Special Oseng-Oseng / Sauteed Eel Recipe

4.8 204

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

4 Servings

Ingredients needed to make Oseng-Oseng / Sauteed Eel which is Delicious and Special

The main ingredient

  • 1/2 kg of medium size eel
  • 3 limes (take the money)
  • salt to taste
  • sweet soy sauce
  • enough white mustard
  • brown sugar to taste, combed
  • right amount of oil

Also Read Recipes and How to Make the Most Delicious and Special Mangut Eel

Seasoning ingredient

  • 6 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
  • 5 cloves of red onion, thinly sliced
  • 4 green chilies, thinly sliced
  • 5 curly red chilies, sliced
  • 1 large tomato, chopped

How to Make Oseng-Oseng / Sauteed Eel which is Delicious and Special

How to cook

  1. First we clean the eel, then remove the contents of the stomach, then cut according to taste. After that, coat with lime juice and salt, then let stand for about 15 minutes.
  2. After that heat the oil, then fry until half cooked, remove and drain.
  3. Then reheat the cooking oil, then saute the ingredients one by one until fragrant, then add the tomatoes.
  4. After that, just add the eel, then add the soy sauce and a little water. Cook until the eel is cooked and the spices are absorbed.
  5. Before lifting, add the white mustard, stir briefly, cooked.
  6. Remove and ready to serve.

That's the Delicious and Special Oseng-Oseng / Sauteed Eel Recipe that you can try at home. The ingredients are easy to find and the cooking method is very practical, but this stir-fried eel has a very steady delicacy. Serve this stir-fried eel along with warm white rice plus a few other foods to make your meal complete. Good luck!

Don't forget to share the Delicious and Special Oseng-Oseng / Sauteed Eel Recipe to all your friends wherever they are, and don't forget to leave a comment in the column we have provided below, thank you.

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