Cooking Recipes And How To Make Grilled Milkfish With Original, Delicious And Delicious Soy Sauce
The grilled milkfish dish with soy sauce is a delicious dish.
Well, if you usually buy this dish at restaurants, this time we will look at the easy recipe. What is the recipe for making original grilled milkfish with soy sauce? Come on, let's look at the following recipe.
Recipe Name
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Cooking Time
Number of Servings
3 Servings
Ingredients Needed To Make Original, Delicious and Delicious Grilled Milkfish with Soy Sauce
Milkfish Main Ingredients:
- 3 milkfish
- 2 tbsp lime juice
- 1/2 tsp table salt
- Pepper powder to taste
Milkfish Ingredients and Seasonings:
- 200 cc of sweet soy sauce
- 5 tbsp butter
- 10 red onions, thinly sliced
- 1 tsp pepper powder
- 1 tsp salt (to taste)
Complementary Materials for Making Fish:
- tomato sauce
- 2 limes, sliced
- enough charcoal
How to Make Original, Delicious and Delicious Grilled Milkfish with Soy Sauce
How to Clean Fresh Milkfish:
- We clean the fresh milkfish first before we cook and season it into a delicious and delicious dish. To clean the milkfish, we will clean the fish scales first before we clean the other parts. To clean the fish scales, you are advised to use a knife or spoon to make it easier for you to scrape the fish scales. After that, please scrape the fish scales until clean and flat. Meanwhile, to make sure if the scales are removed from the fish's body, then please rinse the fish again with clean water.
- Next, clean the innards in the fish's stomach. To do this, you can cut the belly of the fish using a knife. If the belly is open, please reach the fish innards using your hands evenly. After this part is removed, clean and rinse the fish again with clean running water.
- Then, clean the gills of the fish head. To do this, open the fish's head and clean the gill layers with your hands.
- If all parts of the milkfish have been cleaned evenly, the fish will be cut into pieces or crusts. This is used so that the spices that are made and mixed with the fish can seep into the fish meat evenly.
- Finally, coat the sliced milkfish with lime juice, a little sprinkle of salt and sprinkled with pumice pepper. This is to add seasoning and reduce the fishy smell that sticks to the fish. After that, let the fish rest before we cook the marinade.
How to Make Grilled Milkfish:
- First, melt the butter in a wok, then put the shallots into the pan that has been given butter and sauté the onions for a while until they smell good.
- After that, put the milkfish in it and season it again with salt and pepper powder.
- After that, pour the sweet soy sauce into it and cook until the milkfish stir-fry removes the oil and is cooked.
- After the milkfish is cooked from the stir fry, please remove the milkfish and prepare the coals or grill.
- Then grill the milkfish over the coals for a while until you can smell the delicious and delicious aroma. While burning, don't forget to give the spread of seasoning from the sweet soy sauce seasoning with the fish stir fry.
If the fish is cooked, please remove the fish and serve the fish in a serving plate. Then eat this dish with complementary ingredients that have been previously prepared. This dish will also be delicious if eaten while still warm.
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