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Recipes And How To Make A Delicious, Delicious And Special Mango Catfish Salad

Mango catfish salad is a delicious and special dish.

This dish is made by serving catfish wrapped in flour and fried dry, then given a delicious mango sauce combined with vegetables so that a mango catfish salad is served. Come on, see the following recipe so you can serve this delicious, delicious and special mango catfish salad.

recipes and how to make a delicious, delicious and special mango catfish salad

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make a Delicious, Delicious and Special Mango Catfish Salad

4.9 197

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

4 Servings

Ingredients needed to make a delicious, delicious and special mango catfish salad

Main Ingredients of Catfish:

  • Catfish 500 grams
  • Water 150 ml
  • Starch 150 ml
  • Salt to taste
  • Cooking oil 750 ml
  • Pepper powder 1/2 teaspoon

Catfish Coarse Seasoning:

  • Garlic 5 cloves, chopped
  • Shallots 5 grains, is fine
  • 5 red chilies, coarsely sliced
  • 2 stalks of coriander leaves, finely sliced
  • 10 pieces of cayenne pepper, roughly chopped
  • Catfish Salad Sauce Ingredients:
  • Lime juice 50 ml
  • Water 100 ml
  • Sugar 3 tablespoons
  • fish sauce 2 tablespoons
  • Salt to taste
  • 10 red chilies, steamed, puree

Catfish Complementary Ingredients:

  • 150 gram fried cashew
  • 5 pieces of lettuce leaves, roughly chopped
  • 2 pieces of half-ripe mango, shaved lengthwise

How to Make a Delicious, Delicious and Special Mango Catfish Salad

Tips For Cleaning Catfish Before Processing:

  1. The first thing you can do is to clean the catfish before it is cooked and processed. The first way, can be done by cleaning the mucus in the body of the fish. If you find it difficult to clean this part of the mucus, please use the traditional method by sprinkling rubbing ash on the surface of the fish's body and cleaning the catfish until it is rough. After the catfish is cleaned evenly, clean the fish meat again using clean water.
  2. The next part of the fish that must be cleaned is the gills on the fish's head. To clean this part, do this by opening the head of the fish and cleaning the gill layer of the fish by hand until it is clean evenly.
  3. After cleaning the above section, proceed with cleaning the entrails of the fish. The trick, use a knife to split the belly of the fish and clean the fish innards by using your hands evenly. Make sure if you clean all parts of the fish innards evenly.
  4. Then, fillet the catfish by separating the bone and meat. In addition, also throw away the head of the catfish, because we will not consume this part.
  5. After that, coat the catfish with lime juice and a little salt. Leave it for about 10 minutes.

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How to Make Catfish Salad:

  1. Before the catfish is processed, please first steam the catfish in the steamer until the fish is evenly cooked.
  2. After that, mash the fish meat using a spoon or fork until the fish is evenly disintegrated.
  3. Then, mix the fish with the starch, pepper, water and salt. After that, stir evenly until all ingredients are mixed.
  4. Next, heat the oil in a skillet over medium heat. Take a spoon of dough in the shape of a circle and fry the catfish until cooked and browned. Do the same for the rest of the dough. Once cooked, remove and set aside temporarily.
  5. To make the mango salad dressing, combine all the ingredients in a bowl and stir until the ingredients are dissolved and evenly mixed. Add the spices and stir. Then pour this seasoning into a bowl.

After the sauce is cooked, please arrange the lettuce, mango, fried catfish and also fried cashews and then please flush with the salad dressing that you have made and serve.

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