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Recipes And How To Make Delicious And Easy Sushi Rolls

Sushi rolls are made at home in an easy and delicious way to serve for the family.

Before you try homemade sushi rolls, we will share how to eat sushi. This Japanese food has many types according to the shape of the rice and its contents. Besides that, there are unique things in how to eat sushi below.

The most famous type of sushi is nigirushi sushi which is enjoyed by dipping a little neta in soy sauce. Nigirizushi eaten by hand, even for this type of nigirizushi generally eaten in one bite (one mouthful).

As for the chef himself, sushi has a special chef, namely a sushi expert known as sushi shokunin who is called a respectable sushi expert. In general it is the men who have never been given the opportunity to the women who try to become sushi chefs.

Sushi is still unique, the rice used for sushi tastes sour and is more tender because after it is cooked the rice is seasoned. The seasonings used for sushi rice are sugar, salt and rice vinegar. As for the tool itself, it uses a rattan tool to roll sushi, the tool is called a makisu or rolling mat.

Well, after you know the information about sushi we will give you a recipe and how to make a delicious and easy sushi roll at home. Here's how it works for you.

recipes and how to make delicious and easy sushi rolls

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Delicious and Easy Sushi Rolls

4.9 187

Cooking Time




Number of servings

5 Servings

Recipe Ingredients and How to Make Delicious and Easy Sushi Rolls

Main Ingredients for Sushi Roll

  • 150 grams of imported Japanese rice
  • 200 ml water
  • 1/2 tablespoon of rice vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • Sushi Roll Filling Ingredients
  • 2 sheets of nori size 19x20cm
  • 6 pieces of crab sticks
  • 9 slices Japanese cucumber, seeds removed, cut into long strips
  • 1 teaspoon white sesame, then roasted
  • 6 avocado slices, cut lengthwise
  • 1/4 tsp black sesame, then roasted 

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How to Cook Recipes and How to Make Delicious and Easy Sushi Rolls

  1. To make sushi by cleaning until clean, drain
  2. Put in a rice cooker and pour water, cook.
  3. After that set aside the water until warm,
  4. Pour hot on the tray. Set aside and let warm.
  5. Then mix the salt, rice vinegar and sugar.
  6. Then pour in several places of rice, stir with a wooden spoon until evenly distributed.
  7. Then cover with a clean damp cloth, ready to use.
  8. To print the sushi, take 120 grams of rice and then make balls.
  9. Then put on a sheet of nori, flatten it until the remaining 1 cm from the end.
  10. Sprinkle in the middle using a mixture of black sesame and white sesame. Use makishu or woven bamboo
  11. Put avocado, crab sticks and Japanese cucumber, roll up and squeeze. Serve

After you try it, you can share your experience of cooking sushi rolls in the comments column provided below. Apart from that, you can also try other sushi recipes on our website, Several recipes for cooked sushi, Japanese-style sushi and fried sushi can be your choice and your family's. Also , share our link on your social media accounts . Good luck trying foreign dish recipes.

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