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Recipes And How To Make Delicious And Easy Spiced White Bread Pudding

Serving spiced plain bread pudding is a delicious and delicious dish.

This dish will certainly be suitable to be served at home easily and simply. Well, for those of you who are curious to know what the recipe for making a plain, spicy pudding is like? Let's look at the easy recipe below.

recipes and how to make delicious and easy spiced white bread pudding

Recipe Name

Recipes and How to Make Delicious and Easy Spicy Bread Pudding

4.8 372

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

1 pan

Ingredients Needed To Make Delicious and Easy Spicy Bread Pudding

Ingredients For Pudding:

  • 10 slices of white bread
  • 500 ml liquid milk
  • enough raisins
  • 4 tbsp sugar
  • 100 ml white sweetened condensed milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 100 gr margarine
  • 100 gr butter
  • enough speck powder
  • enough almonds, chopped

How to Make Delicious and Easy Spicy Bread Pudding

Tips for Preparing Ingredients:

  1. Do the first method by first preparing the ingredients that will be made to make the pudding dough this time. The purpose of preparing here is that some of the above ingredients must be prepared before being stirred and mixed into pudding dough.
  2. The first ingredient to be prepared is the white bread. Please cut the white bread to the size you want or the size according to your taste. After that, also cut the edges of the bread using a knife and do it slowly.
  3. Next, for the eggs, break the eggs and put them in a bowl and then beat these ingredients with a fork until the eggs are beaten evenly and released. Then set it aside for a while.
  4. Then for almonds, please roast the almonds that you have purchased and cut them into the size you want with a thin shape. Put in a container and set aside temporarily.
  5. Now, for the remaining ingredients, you only need to set aside these ingredients because these ingredients can be directly mixed together with other ingredients.

Also Read Recipes and How to Make Clamud Bread Pudding that is Delicious, Soft and Delicious

How to Make Spicy Bread Pudding:

  1. To make pudding dough, you can start by mixing sugar together with margarine and butter. Put these ingredients in a saucepan and melt evenly until the sugar dissolves along with the other ingredients.
  2. Continue by mixing the liquid milk, sweetened condensed milk and beaten eggs. Stir these ingredients evenly until everything is mixed.
  3. Put the bread slices into the previous mixture and add the raisins along with the almond pieces. Stir these ingredients evenly until mixed.
  4. Next, put the margarine into the bread when the margarine has become warmer.
  5. When all the ingredients have been included and have been mixed, please prepare a mold and put the pudding mixture into it and flatten it beautifully.
  6. Before steaming, please sprinkle the top with the spekuk seasoning and also raisins and almond pieces.
  7. Then steam in the pan for about 30 minutes or until the ingredients are evenly cooked.

Now, when the pudding is cooked, remove this dish from the steamer and serve it on a plate. Before serving, it's better if you put the pudding in the refrigerator to make it cooler so that it tastes better.

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