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Recipe And How To Make Fried Catfish Pecel With Onion Sauce, Delicious, Special, Crunchy And Delicious

Crispy and delicious, these are the words to describe how delicious this dish is.

Yes, fried catfish pecel with onion sauce is delicious and special. For this reason, we recommend this dish for you culinary lovers. Come on, let's look at the recipe for making fried catfish pecel with onion sauce below.

recipe and how to make fried catfish pecel with onion sauce, delicious, special, crunchy and delicious

Recipe Name

Recipe and How to Make Fried Catfish Pecel with Onion Sauce, Delicious, Special, Crispy and Delicious

4.8 143

Cooking Time




Number of Servings

5 Servings

The Ingredients Needed To Make Fried Catfish Pecel with Garlic Sauce is Delicious, Special, Crispy and Delicious

Main Ingredients of Catfish:

  • 5 catfish
  • 3 tbsp lime juice
  • 1/2 tsp table salt

Minced Fish Seasoning:

  • 1 cm ginger
  • 3 cm turmeric
  • 1 tbsp coriander
  • Salt to taste
  • 4 cloves garlic

Onion Sauce Ingredients:

  • 3 cloves of red onion
  • 1/2 clove of garlic
  • 10 pieces of cayenne pepper
  • 2 pieces of curly red chili
  • Sufficient sugar
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 tomato
  • 1/2 lime

How to Make Fried Catfish Pecel with Onion Sauce, Delicious, Special, Crispy and Delicious

Tips on how to wash catfish properly and correctly:

  1. Do the first method by cleaning the catfish first. Cleaning this catfish, can be started by cleaning the gills of the fish. The trick, use a knife precisely at the pointy part to open the fish head. After this part is open, please clean the gill layer using a knife evenly.
  2. Second, we will clean the slime on the fish's body. To clean this section, you can do it in several ways, one of which you can choose. These methods include using rubbing ash, salt or lime juice which is sprinkled on the body of the fish and rubbed until the fish is rough. Well, after getting dirty, clean the fish again with clean water.
  3. Third, we will clean the entrails of the fish. The trick, split the belly of the fish using a knife and clean the fish innards using your hands until clean evenly.
  4. Fourth, please cut the body of the catfish in a diagonal direction. Please slice the fish using a knife until evenly distributed. This is used so that the spices seep into the fish evenly.
  5. The last way to clean this fish is to coat the cut catfish with lime juice and salt to get rid of the fishy smell that sticks to the fish. After that, let the fish sit for about 10 minutes.

Also read the recipe and how to make pickled yellow mullet

How to Make Onion Sambal Catfish Pecel:

  1. Prepare a frying pan on the stove, pour the oil into the pan and wait until the oil becomes hot. Use moderate fire.
  2. Then, fry the fish until dry, cooked and the color becomes golden. Once cooked, remove the fish and set aside before serving.
  3. To make chili sauce, you can do this by preparing a frying pan and frying the chili ingredients first until they are wilted. Fry in a little oil.
  4. After frying, please grind the chili ingredients until smooth and give a squeeze of lime juice on top to make the taste even more delicious.

Serve this sambal along with fried catfish. Hopefully this recipe can be made at home easily and simply.

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