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Homemade Pinch Cake Recipe

Homemade Cubit Cake Recipe -The cute shape with a sweet taste that is simple but still delicious is the hallmark of Kue Cubit. In addition, the soft and fluffy texture makes it even more appetizing.

Cubit cake itself is a typical cake from Jakarta with the basic ingredients of flour, eggs, and milk. The combination of these ingredients produces a savory and sweet taste. To add to the taste, the cubit cake can also be equipped with various kinds of toppings according to taste such as meses, chocochips, and cheese.

At first, kue cubit was a cake sold in traditional markets or pushcarts. But now, the existence of kue cubit has gone up a notch where you can find it in malls to luxury restaurants.

Now for those of you who want to enjoy a sweet snack in the afternoon, there's nothing wrong with trying to make your own cupcakes at home, which turns out to be very easy to make. Let's take a look at the homemade cubit cake recipe below!

Homemade Pinch Cake Recipe

Cubit cake is always a very fitting dish to be used as a snack in the afternoon or morning. Although the taste is quite simple, this small size cake is very popular with many people and its popularity has been increasing lately. Enough with hot tea or coffee along with a pinch of cake, you can enjoy your afternoon.

Snack _
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword Various cake recipes, homemade cupcakes, pinch cake recipes
Cooking Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Serving 10 pieces


Main ingredients needed:

  • 100 grams of medium protein flour
  • 1 egg _
  • 80 grams of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons melted margarine
  • 1 tablespoon full cream milk powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla powder
  • 50 ml water

Ingredients needed:

  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon instant yeast
  • 50 ml of warm water


  1. Prepare a bowl or container, then add all the starter ingredients, mix well, and let stand for 10 minutes until foamy. Don't use the starter mixture if it doesn't foam.

  2. In a separate bowl, combine the eggs and sugar, mixing until smooth.

  3. Sift medium protein flour, baking soda, baking powder, full cream milk powder, and vanilla powder into the chicken and egg mixture, mixer again on medium speed. Add water and mix until the dough is evenly mixed.

  4. Add the yeast mixture to the mixture and mix until well blended.

  5. Pour melted margarine, mix again with a mixer.

  6. Cover the dough with a napkin and let it rest for an hour.

  7. Prepare a pinch cake mold, spread with margarine, heat over low to medium heat. Pour the batter until it fills 3/4 of the size of the cake mold. After half cooked, sprinkle toppings such as meses or chocochips.

  8. Cover the dough again until your pinch cake is cooked perfectly.

  9. Remove the cake and serve.

The pinch cake recipe above is certainly very inspiring to try. You can easily find the raw materials needed and the manufacturing time is not too long.

For those of you who want to make a pinch cake with a more varied taste, you can also add other flavors such as green tea, chocolate, and others. Cubit cake is a dish that you can modify according to your taste.

Good luck making cupcakes at home!

(Also read: Classic Brownies Recipe)

Read also Serabi Solo Recipe

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