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Pokcoy Corn Putren Stir Fry Recipe, Healthy Vegetable Saute For Dinner

Serve delicious and delicious sauteed pokcoy corn putren at home. You can combine this delicious and healthy dish with other ingredients to make it more special, for example fish balls. Let's look at the recipe for the following putren corn pokcoy stir fry.

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Pokcoy Corn Putren Stir Fry Recipe, Healthy Vegetable Saute For Dinner

Main Course
Indonesian cuisine
Keyword healthy food, healthy food recipe, stir fry pokcoy
Preparation Time 15 minutes
Cooking Time 20 minutes
5 serving
Calories 270 kcal


Materials needed

  • 300 grams of pok choy
  • 6 fish balls
  • 100 ml water
  • 150 grams of baby corn
  • Oil for frying, you can use olive oil to make it healthier

Required Seasoning

  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1/4 tsp pepper powder
  • 1/2 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 4 red onions
  • 1 tsp fish sauce
  • 1 scallion _
  • 1/4 tsp salt


How to Prepare Ingredients

  1. First of all, please take the pokcoy that has been provided. Then please cut the pokcoy into 3 parts.

  2. Next, please divide the putren corn into 2 parts with an elongated shape.

  3. Then cut the fish balls into 2 parts.

  4. For onions and garlic, please chop coarsely. Then cut the onion in half.

How to Make Stir-fried Pokcoy Putren

  1. After all the ingredients and spices are ready, you can immediately process the stir-fried pokcoy putren dish. Take a frying pan that will be used to make stir fry. Then heat enough oil.

  2. After the oil is hot, add the chopped onion and garlic. Stir well and saute until fragrant.

  3. After that, please enter the fish balls that have been cut into pieces. Then you can stir until evenly distributed.

  4. Next enter the vegetables, namely putren and pokcoy that have been cut into pieces. Stir the vegetables until evenly mixed.

  5. The next step that must be done is to add the various spices that have been prepared. You can add oyster sauce and fish sauce. Stir evenly.

  6. Also add other ingredients such as pepper powder and salt. Stir until evenly distributed and the spices are dissolved.

  7. Then please pour water. Stir again until evenly distributed and cook until the ingredients are all cooked and the spices are absorbed.

  8. Finally you can lift and serve it in the serving place that has been provided. Then you can serve it on the dining table for the dinner menu.

See also : How to Make Vegetable Omelette

Tips for Choosing and Processing Pokcoy to Get Delicious Dishes

When choosing and processing Pokcoy, you can pay attention to the following tips.

Tips for Choosing Pokcoy

There are two types of Pokcoy, namely adult Pokcoy and baby Pokcoy. These two types of pokcoy have different characteristics, where the adult pokcoy has white stems with dark green leaves. While the baby pokcoy is smaller in size with a lighter leaf color. Compared to adult pokcoy, baby pokcoy tastes softer.

You can choose pokcoy with leaves that are bright and fresh, and don't have a lot of holes. Also avoid choosing pokcoy that has brown spots on the stem.

Tips for Processing Pokcoy

Pokcoy can be processed into any dish according to taste. Before processing, you can separate the pokcoy stems one by one. Then rinse with salt water so that the bacteria that sticks are gone. Then please wash the pokcoy until the stems are clean. You can cut it to the size you like. The stems and leaves can be separated.

If it will be processed by boiling or sautéing, you should insert the stem first. Cook for a few minutes, then you can immediately add the leaves. The texture of the stem is hard so the cooking time is certainly longer. Avoid cooking pokcoy too long because it will wilt quickly.

That's the recipe for sauteed corn pokcoy for a family dinner menu. Good luck.

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